Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]

ahaha, Maali strikes again.
Maali: fucking ace! :)
Hahaha! Never thought garfield could be (that) funny!
Hilarious strips, especially the "German dog sign" and maalis last one there. :)
Hilarious strips, especially the "German dog sign" and maalis last one there. :)
Maali :DD
maali, you're the dope! :D

yes, if i carry on like this people will address me as 'are you maali? from pouet?' on demoparties again :(
maali and numtek are my definite winners as for now.

ahah all latest strips rox, specially Jope's :D
Maali: You do realize you just misspelled exquisite yourself, right?
tribe: at least i write fluent norwegian (prolly typoed too :P)
lol @ Maali, from pouet :)

Never thought that garfield can actually be exploited so well! :)
Lol cruzer!
now, let's get back to the very essence of this thread:

cruzor: actually CCS64 renders IFLI pics very nice if you're good enough to set your graphics card to 50Hz before ;)