

category: general [glöplog]
dip - i think we all got what Z003 is really about =)
added on the 2003-04-24 17:25:13 by dalezr dalezr
ok. my opinion.

people who are THAT drunk. they are just SAD.

i call that alcohol abuse. drugs are drugs IMO, and if you
don't know how to cope with em, don't f*ing use them!

drink a beer, fine. smoke a joint, fine. get a little
light headed, a bit drunk, fine with me.

plain SAD! this guy just fell asleep half *in* the campfire, shifter and i had to drag him out of there,
no fucking reaction whatsoever, i was afraid that he got
alcohol poisoning or something, but (luckily) he got up
and stumbled away after some prodding and poking.

sorry i don't want to sound like your daddy or something,
but these guys were just systematically trying to pass
their limits ("no one is as hard as me") and pass out.

getting that drunk is not equal to partying in my
opinion, it gives the bitter taste of abuse to the happy

the rest of the party was very good! [except for there
being no drinking water, but i survived somehow, my
whole body got sticky inside from all the sugarwater
and bubbles, but oh well..]

the winning demo and 4k were just AWESOME, i hope the 4k
will release its sources..

- ritz
added on the 2003-04-24 17:25:55 by ritz ritz
yes, breakpoint seriously kicked ass.
although two nights in a 10° cold sleeping hall was hard :))
concerning some of those extremely drunken fuckheads I can only agree with ritz. as well as I still don't get it what is so hard about taking your empty bottles back to the orgas and your waste into the bags.
so what, some things will never change.
and that norvegian guy should as well thank helge^downlords for saving him at least 3 times from falling into the campfire !!!
next time one should let him....

anyways: all to say is SCHTRONGÄR ! and see you next year
added on the 2003-04-24 22:10:16 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
Ok, I know I'm a tad bit late with this topic due to the post-organizing issues.

After re-reading this thread I've seen quite a few complaints about silentriots behaviour at breakpoint. After asking a few people, re-reading mails, checking pictures etc I now know for sure, that

- He's the guy that got on everyones nerves by entering the stage and grabbing the microphone before and during several competitions. Several organizers took away the mic and threw him off the stage, I also did that 2 times personally. I told him in clear (and later drastic) words not to touch our equipment. Looks like he didn't care.

- He was one of the guys that entered the sleeping hall for shouting, pukeing etc.

- He was one of the guys smashing bottles on the meadow even after getting told that those bottles had deposit (=we had to pay for every broken bottle), people could get hurt and besides that we had the clean the meadow afterwards.

- silentriot was one of the guys throwing our rented chairs into the fireplace. It's me who now has to pay the bill for those chairs.

After reading the symphony website, I now understand that this guy is the symphony mainorganizer. Amazing. One might expect that an organizer of a demoparty at least shows SOME respect for the property and work of other parties' organizers.

silentriot, I really wish there will be lots of people like you at symphony 2003. And better don't show up at breakpoint 2004.
added on the 2003-04-27 23:56:19 by scamp scamp
ritz, scamp: amen! if you can't hold your liquor, don't drink, if you can't behave, fucking leave!

Was it also silentriot who danced on stage during the freestyle graphics compo? Tomcat was getting really pissed at that, you should have clubbed him dude :)
added on the 2003-04-28 00:59:21 by okkie okkie
no clubbing please! =)
added on the 2003-04-28 01:11:31 by elend elend
I definitely have to defend Silentriot, not just for the sake of the historical Polish-Hungarian friendship.

First off, he was not puking anywhere. Not even in the sleeping hall. Yea, the siren was a bit low. But I was also there, and still nobody bashes me. I recall a Hungarian party some years ago, where we ran into the sleeping hall and yelled: 'Police raid, everybody flee!'

Silentriot was *not* the one dancing on the stage during the intro (?) compo, whom I tried to remove. That was some German asshole, who was apparently really eager to get punched. Well, should I like someone who steps to my girlfriend totally drunk, and just asks "Schwanz, Mädchen?" His luck is that I never fight on sceneparties.

Finally, Silentriot was not alone on the stage when he grabbed the mike. Also Flapjack and Azzaro were there, plus they woke up Arcane, and I think there was nothing bad in that. They had some party mood. I think the real asshole of the party was Bronix, along with that German "dancer" guy.

Destroying chairs was lame, though. There are some things I can't (and don't) defend.
added on the 2003-04-28 10:01:36 by tomcat tomcat
tomcat, seconded.
added on the 2003-04-28 10:28:13 by skrebbel skrebbel
Next time we all should drink less so that we remember who actually threw chairs around. Heh.

I must say I didn't mind the guys on Stage because there was no Compo going on anyway so.. the only thing bad is throwing chairs into fire, but no one can really say that it was SilentRiot. I wouldn't say it was him..
added on the 2003-04-28 11:18:53 by elend elend
I second elend on that. I am actually rather sure silentriot didn't throw any chairs in. For one, he's denying it himself (he haven't denied any of the other things), and second, I could only see the remains of one chair in the ashes (it's pretty easy to recognize those remains, metal doesn't burn), and I know who threw that in (I can take that up directly with scamp).

as for the other things. yes, some of them were rather annoying. breaking bottles, noise in the sleeping hall (never woke me up though, so I have no clue how much noise there actually was), going on stage.

but. silentriot were not the only one doing this. I'm not defending bottle-breaking, but I will like to state that if you throw him out, you should also throw out other people. Representatives from Sweden and Hungary would have to go too, then. For the stage-shows, you would have to throw out representatives from Norway, The Netherlands and Germany, just to mention a few examples.
As Tomcat says, he was in the sleeping hall too..

So, I think it's rather unfair to blame it all on one guy, and especially things he didn't do.
added on the 2003-04-28 12:10:46 by leijaa leijaa
i heard steeler did a stage show too. don't let him into breakpoint next year!
added on the 2003-04-28 12:20:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
hey relax - don't throw anyone out of breakpoint04. Just politely ask the annoying parties to quiet down.
Tomcat: party mood or not, if the organizers ask people to cut it out, one should follow suit. I personally didn't mind a couple of drunken people in between compos, but I can imagine the organizers were less than thrilled every time the stage was hijacked.

Leia: I think there's a difference between planned shows and a drunken mob ;)
added on the 2003-04-28 13:29:15 by Shifter Shifter
though there never was a "traditional" russian-polish friendship =), i also have to defend silentriot. neither he was the one who puked into the sleepinghall (did he puke at all?), nor he was the one throwing chairs into the fire. excluding him officially from the next breakpoint would be rather unjustified and would lead to further boycotting of the party by many more people, i guess. you should rather ban the people who were REALLy pathetic and annoying, you know who i mean. the fun that the poles allowed themselves this year was rather harmless, better check for the REAL troublemakers.

and about touching your precious microphones, was there ANY damage on them after the poles used them? i think not. and as the organizers failed to provide proper entertainment during the compo awaitenings, it's rather cool that some guys took the initiative and at least tried to somehow entertain the people, even if the "entertaining" was perhaps questionalble to some. scene is about individual initiative, and i don't see anything wrong about spontaneous on-stage performances as long as it doesn't conflict with the organizers plans. as there was NO entertainment for the waiting people before that compo, you should rather be thankful.

about the really annoying stuff, like burning chairs, i of course do NOT promote that, and if someone tries to do similar things at evoke, he can be sure to get serious asskicking and major bills. but scamp, you should rather check for the real guilty in that case, before taking a semi-obvious scapegoat. no bad blood intended, scamp & orgas, just try to see it as a friendly critique.
added on the 2003-04-28 13:37:33 by dipswitch dipswitch
i can only second what's written above.
i haven't seen him throwing any party-property in the fire, and beside that bottle breaking, where other people took part too, he was doing what everybody else did - having a good time.
seriously, i don't understand why it's all directed to him alone.

just make up some clear rules for the next breakpoint, as they should apply for everybody. (and think about the electric fence again =)
added on the 2003-04-28 13:39:12 by dalezr dalezr
Yea, and consider using rubber beer bottles. :)
added on the 2003-04-28 14:06:22 by tomcat tomcat
i don't think you quite understood what i was saying. i wasn't
talking about any names, nationalities or whatever happened.

i am just talking about drinking TOO much. that is easy to
recognize, too much is when you, pass out, puke or can't speak coherent sentences (in your native language), can't walk properly anymore etc..

i would guess that everyone would have found out this
distinction in his/her puberty years, quite soon after their
legal drinking age.

i don't know about germany (i think it's rather similar) but
in holland it is ILLEGAL to sell (or even give) anyone
alcohol after they display such behaviour.

of course, even in proper bars these rules are not always
followed, but it is something to think about.

there's a difference between pleasantly drunk and too much.

that is all i wanted to say. a stupor is not partying, and
alcohol abuse is not scene spirit IMO.

people destroying property and annoying others, breaking
rules etc should 'just' be dealt with by the organisers, what
i am saying is just to have some sense with drugs.
added on the 2003-04-28 14:42:22 by ritz ritz
plastic cups :)

and i must admit Bronix being 'the most pathetic scener at a party ever' but then again.. he's norwegian.. so he can't really help it :D

(just kidding nina :)
added on the 2003-04-28 14:43:15 by okkie okkie
I've just updated the news at breakpoint. I've added more details and removed that angry "if you are aggressive... go to symphony"-part.

Meanwhile the bp organizer that saw silentriot throwing a chair into the campfire confirmed another time he's 100% sure.

Besides that, the reports and complaints about silentriots behaviour keep flowing in (and there is a discussion running - including silentriot himself - at ircnet #breakpoint).

We need to work on organizer internal communication next breakpoint. It sucks that this guy got warned a dozen of times by different organizers without those orgas knowing he already got several warnings before...
added on the 2003-04-28 15:05:04 by scamp scamp

> nor he was the one throwing chairs into the fire.

And you know that how? There was an organizer who saw him doing so. I tend to trust that organizer.

> excluding him officially from the next breakpoint
> would be rather unjustified and would lead to

Unjustified? What else does one have to do until he gets the "not welcome"-status?

> you should rather ban the people who were
> REALLy pathetic and annoying, you know who i
> mean.

Nope, I don't know. The only other complaints I've read are about bronix (I'll leave out those generic "the poles"-complaints).

> the fun that the poles allowed themselves this year
> was rather harmless, better check for the REAL
> troublemakers.

I didn't notice any other troublemakers. The security reported nothing. There have been no complaints. Tell me ;)

>and about touching your precious microphones, was
> there ANY damage on them after the poles used
> them? i think not.

That's not the point. Drunken people messing with fucking expensive equipment is a risk I am not willing to take. It's that simple. And no, I don't have to wait until something REALLY bad happens. If you are unable to follow the most simple orders ("leave the stage", "don't throw bottles into the crowd") then you shouldn't join a party.

> entertainment during the compo awaitenings, it's
> rather cool that some guys took the initiative and
> at least tried to somehow entertain the people,
> even if the "entertaining" was perhaps
> questionalble to some.

He was drunk, and his entertaining consisted of shouting "wuaaaaaaah" and stuff like this. When I went onto the stage at the beginning of some compo and removed him from the stage, there was LOTS of applause to me for doing that. Some ppl might remember that scene.

> but scamp, you should rather check for the real
> guilty in that case, before taking a semi-obvious
> scapegoat. no bad blood intended, scamp & orgas,
> just try to see it as a friendly critique.

Point taken.

I've waited several days before joining this discussion. I've back-checked all information several times. Every organizer remembered silentriots picture when it was shown to them, and I got lots of feedback.
added on the 2003-04-28 15:18:21 by scamp scamp
for fuck sake, how much could those chairs cost? 1€ ? 2€ top ? i think we burnt 5 chairs in the fire at last underscore.. Its not like its a big deal :)

And about puking, what do you expect when you only serve those curry curry wurst and disgusting bratwursts.. j/k ;-)

Boycotting scenesr cause they did something bad, would eventually turn out to be a very empty party ;-P

Anyways, i had no problem with the polish guys, ofcourse they where drunk, i mean, hey! they are polish. But they seemed to mostly harm themselves..
added on the 2003-04-28 15:25:58 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
"Hard alcohol is explicitly forbidden inside the party hall. We can understand if people want to drink some beer, but keep the harder stuff out of the party hall, and also limit your drinking to a reasonable amount. If you get drunk and start annoying people, you'll get thrown out. "

Hmm. I don't think this was enforced too well. :) At least, I saw certain people waving their vodka bottles up on stage.

But my bigger concern was the safety of the building. The stage area was packed during the big compos/events, with no way for people in front to get back out without stepping over others. I don't know about you, but I got nervous when Bronix (the "drunk Norwegian guy") was wandering up on stage and almost knocked over the C64 candles, which were right next to electrical cables.

You might've read about the stampede in a club in Chicago after someone sprayed mace or pepper spray, killing 12 people. Or the concert in Rhode Island, where pyrotechnics got out of hand, and everyone tried to get out of the same exit of the small packed building. 96 people died. All it takes is a few minutes planning out some exits. I don't want good scene people dead before it becomes a concern.
added on the 2003-04-28 15:46:07 by phoenix phoenix
phoenix: We had an emergency exit directly at the stage - the gate on that side of the hall was unlocked. There also were emergency-exit signs.

Yet I agree that in a situation of real panic, this probably wouldn't have helped too much.
added on the 2003-04-28 16:01:03 by scamp scamp
