flash, anyone?
category: general [glöplog]
So I was doing some small thing and got all excited, thinking how cool it would be to do something bigger, but then I realized this is time consuming and not so fun to do on my own. Hence, I am posting here to find any people who would team up to make some cool big thing or simply do some flash tennis.
have you chatted to xwize? he's quite the flash wizard...
Need to subscribe to download that flash thing..
"The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later."
talking about flash...
I'm not that old to know who is it.First Appearance: Showcase #4[2], September–October, 1956
Just to bump this thread, since it was burried on page 2.
I spent another few hours on this effect - check it out... I am going to add random convolution filter on top of that, and then start another scene... even if none of you guys will join on flash side, I think I can finish it (I am getting addictive), but I still suck at music - any musicians with flash experience having nothing to do?.... yeah, right.
I spent another few hours on this effect - check it out... I am going to add random convolution filter on top of that, and then start another scene... even if none of you guys will join on flash side, I think I can finish it (I am getting addictive), but I still suck at music - any musicians with flash experience having nothing to do?.... yeah, right.
So.. you made a radial blur and a tunnel in Flash, and now you are bumping your thread because it got "buried"? You know there is a real good chance that it moved down the threadlist because it isn't really that interesting, or that people simply have nothing to say about it? But sure; bump it up -- I'm sure someone will start posting random pictures any time now. :)
gloom: yes.
Rob: please, keep it coming. I could use some inspiration.
Rob: please, keep it coming. I could use some inspiration.
do you want me to beg you or what? come on, be a man, post more than one shitty picture per post! and, btw, when you search for pics - for everybody's benefit - could you change keyword to "porn"?
or just "flash".
I give up, I can't beat gloom.
Well, you both are retarded.
way better now, thank you both
you can find some good forums about flash on the internet
what made you think I am looking for good forums about flash?
makc: why are you asking if people want to work on a demo here? This is a random picture posting site. Try getting support for a new flashing BASS! gif or kitten photos or something like that.
psonice, what can I say, it looks you're right.