
Mickey has become a Mujahid

category: general [glöplog]
he does get killed in the last episode though.
added on the 2007-07-05 16:25:02 by Gargaj Gargaj
The final episode in which Farfur is "beaten to death by an actor posing as an Israeli official trying to buy Farfur's land." Saraa states, "Farfur was martyred while defending his land," adding that Israelis are "the killers of children."

it would be laughable if not a real kiddy show o_O

added on the 2007-07-05 16:31:16 by Zest Zest
in one way, it's scary, yes.
but then, there's gi joe and all that - the only difference one can cite is the subtlety and artwork level.
added on the 2007-07-05 16:32:39 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2007-07-05 16:38:46 by Zest Zest
God damn those islamic überfans, i really don't understand what's the point of wearing turbans and say it is a must, which is not and, duplicating an american character to be used in a counter-american, counter-israeli tv-series for kiddos with a really weird name. Also, who the hell are they to think they can rule the world with their fucking terrorized brains... In fact, this is my opinion tho, no religion brings humanity "the power" and "the glory" they want. Religions are just a way of saying "I really don't know", until science illuminates the subject.
added on the 2007-07-05 16:46:50 by decipher decipher
I laughed my ass the best ever, it is the most surrealistic thing I've ever seen.
Mickey !!! hahahaha !
But tha' not all !
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added on the 2007-07-05 16:58:35 by krabob krabob
in one way, it's scary, yes.
but then, there's gi joe and all that - the only difference one can cite is the subtlety and artwork level.

yeah, but gi joe never promoted ethnic cleansing or killing on the grounds of someone based of a different race or religion.
added on the 2007-07-05 17:22:17 by Rubicante Rubicante
Wait a minute... Where bin laden could have been hidden for 6 years ? A place where the CIA and the FBI couldn't think about... under a MICKEY MOUSE COSTUME of course ! It seems evident now !
... But that's not all ! Bin laden had become a devohead, wearing energy domes:
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added on the 2007-07-05 17:26:55 by krabob krabob
OLD AS HELL... there is more brainwashing going on at arab media atm!!
added on the 2007-07-05 17:48:18 by uns3en_ uns3en_
yeah, but gi joe never promoted ethnic cleansing or killing on the grounds of someone based of a different race or religion.

Weren't the GI Joes fighting a giant snake just because they didn't like what the snakes believed in? Have you ever seen a GI Joe trying to negotiate peace and refusing to handle a weapon? :D
added on the 2007-07-05 17:53:59 by xernobyl xernobyl
Hey, either you're with Joe or against Joe.
added on the 2007-07-05 18:21:01 by tempest tempest
And yes, leave Mickey Mouse [tm] alone. He is sacred.

added on the 2007-07-05 18:30:04 by tempest tempest
G.I. Joe is fucking tame shit man, have you ever watched an old post-war animated superman? i recall one episode, the plot of which is as follows:

- opening... superman is destroying japanese stuff in a harbour (not explained)
- superman destroys more shit
- lane gets captured because the japanese are upset their shit's getting trashed
- superman whams the japanese and gets lane back
- superman destroys more japanese stuff just for japes and hijinks

seems that in bygone days you didn't need to justify your continued hate for somebody if you lived in a western country. moral justification was taken care of by a cocktail of jesus, democratic talk and actual apathy. now you're all so enlightened so you expect that citizens of countries living in the shadow of the cowboy west are to immediately adopt your moral highground? in all your scientific posturing you still manage to sound like you honestly believe a whole group of people can be "born evil" or "born stupid". that's the sort of disposition/environment mistake that even a first year psychology student at arse-end polytechnic learns not to make within a few months of starting their degree. you've gone beyond objectivity and open mindedness into worshipping at the altar of west is best. you justify it with psalms written to empty science. you ignore the messages of the same science you use to argue against religion. the findings of social psychology (Milgram, Zimbardo, Sherif) in the 60s and 70s that showed just how murderous, persistently violent or prejudiced average westerners could be, given very simple circumstances of social control. grow up lads, its you that are dogmatically worshipping your own unexamined opinions.
added on the 2007-07-06 09:27:04 by forestcre forestcre
Demoish video: Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent in America
I also want to add one point: Copying Mickey mouse to brainwash kids is a thought method: This character has prooven its capacity to manipulate the behaviours of people in advertisements for more than 70 years now. I remember having seen a documentary years ago about some theories to explain Why (face drawn with circles and gold number, analogy with some primitive gods,...)
added on the 2007-07-06 10:13:40 by krabob krabob
no need to give an old-fashioned cartoon character (that is so pre-WW2...) some mass manipulation power, concerning the last decade that was mainly the oil and military industries who put their men at the white house and pushed the war to control oil production and gain more federal credits, and they have been using mass fear, media propaganda and traditional US values (self-defence, religion, family, army, homophobia) to gain mass consent and vote.

historical reality is as simple and scary... US democracy has become a plutocracy.

BLEH! :(
added on the 2007-07-06 10:42:18 by Zest Zest
Yeah: Who is behind bush according to you ?
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plutocracy. Yes.
added on the 2007-07-06 11:06:15 by krabob krabob
added on the 2007-07-06 11:09:50 by Zest Zest
I could see that one coming =)
added on the 2007-07-06 12:13:37 by tempest tempest
al jazeera - fair and balanced
added on the 2007-07-06 16:15:59 by uns3en_ uns3en_
mutsis has become tissit lol
added on the 2007-07-06 19:44:37 by el-bee el-bee
For no reason at all:
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added on the 2007-07-07 00:07:07 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
G.I. Joe is fucking tame shit man, have you ever watched an old post-war animated superman? /... and more .../

Omg! Seriously, this is the best statement on this issue I've read in long time.
added on the 2007-07-07 00:20:08 by El Topo El Topo
really? i would be quite happy if you meant that. i also remember your 'have a cup of shut the fuck up' thread and it would mean a lot to me if i had redeemed myself...
added on the 2007-07-07 01:12:52 by forestcre forestcre
really? i would be quite happy if you meant that.

I do.
added on the 2007-07-07 09:09:12 by El Topo El Topo
