Poll: What is your screen resolution?
category: general [glöplog]
Falcon: 800x600
ST: 640x200
G5: 1920x1200
MBP: 1440x900
Yes, ridiculous thread :)
ST: 640x200
G5: 1920x1200
MBP: 1440x900
Yes, ridiculous thread :)
1280x800 32bpp 60hz 16:10 LCD (always on)
1280x960 32bpp 70hz 4:3 CRT (often on)
1280x960 32bpp 70hz 4:3 CRT (often on)
Amiga AGA can reach 1280x640 on pal.
... and actually more than 1280x640 with no overscan.
I used to be on 1280x1024 + 1280x1024, wtih 19 inch and 17 inch screens, but my main comp broke several months ago, and now I'm stuck in 1024*768 on a 15 inch laptop screen :-/
It looks as if we have very high resolutions... maybe the results of this poll are biased by being sceners?
768*1024 rotate me beautiful
a million
1920x1200x24bpp@60Hz 24" LCD
1920x1200 + 1280x1024. Hopefully the latter being deposed my a 1440x900 mbp before my trip.
2x 1600x1200 (Desktop) (both rotateable to 1200x1600) and 1600x1200 (laptop). The latter will share the same fate as Shifter's, only a few months later i fear :)
1280x1024. i have a second screen at the same resolution but seldomly turn it on.
1680x1050 (20") + 1440x900 (17.4") on the main computer
1600x1200 (19") + 1600x1200 (17") on secondary
1600x1200 (19") + 1600x1200 (17") on secondary
However 640x256 in certain places!
However 640x256 in certain places!
1280x800 also
1920x1200 24-bit 15.4"
Next laptop really, really needs to be a 17"
Next laptop really, really needs to be a 17"
1680x1050 (desk) + 1024x800 (laptop)
Those big wide screens are marvellous.
Those big wide screens are marvellous.
My bad. Macbook is 1280x800.
1280x1024 - 1 (dead pixel)
My new year's resolution is to have higher screen resolution next new year's eve.