
scene music stolen

category: music [glöplog]
gargaj: it's not like he went to the guy's house and plugged his firewire-drive into the girlfriends' protools session after all. i mean - come on - what's the big deal?
added on the 2007-06-15 18:43:01 by gloom gloom

another video.. i actually like that its his own country men doing them..

off topic.. R.I.P derby-ram, an old friend..

well here is an idea:
recently lots of people complained against youtube because they where deleting complete accounts because some users "remotlly infriged" copyrights. ( as in putting up a parody of something ), so maybe we could demand from youtube to delete all videos of useres who heve stuff from timbaland/nelly furtado/justin timerlake/jay-z/and who els e is in that cloud. ( and no, not to really get useres kicked, just as a pr action to show how stupid the whole copyright thing is handeled. ).
also, sueing timbaland in the respective country when we know he is there might get him to prison, at least german anti-piracy-commericials say that. ( and yes, the same as above applies ).
added on the 2007-06-25 07:40:33 by abductee abductee
omg why afrika bambataa planet rock sounds like trans-europe-express by kraftwerk ;) seriously, timbo should give credits where they belong...
added on the 2007-06-25 08:29:33 by uns3en_ uns3en_
speaking of giving credits where they belong, when i was travelling back from compusphere in the buzziemobile we were listening to swedish radio and got a bit surprised when the radio program pang prego used a short piece of a tune by goto80 as a jingle. i mentioned that to him on irc and he said something like "that humour program? yeah, i mailed them, they said the music was made by pluxus"
added on the 2007-06-25 08:42:04 by hollowman hollowman
well, not really music, but gfx... :S
added on the 2007-06-25 09:43:02 by MadGoblin MadGoblin
hollowman: WTF?!? :S
added on the 2007-06-25 11:06:20 by bzz bzz
I concur:

hollowman: WTF?!? :S
added on the 2007-06-25 12:41:57 by Radiant Radiant
madgoblin: yeah, that's a good one. :)
added on the 2007-06-25 12:57:58 by gloom gloom
for those who don't know what we are on about..

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added on the 2007-06-25 13:05:23 by gloom gloom
So, are people implying here that the stencilartist stole from TBL or TBL stole from the stencilartist?

Because if it's the first, come on people! IT'S TBL!
added on the 2007-06-25 13:06:47 by okkie okkie
I'd put my bet on the third, common source.
added on the 2007-06-25 13:08:33 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: that's my hunch as well.
added on the 2007-06-25 13:10:21 by gloom gloom
Actually that whole scene is ripped from (or heavily inspired by a) a short movie ;)

Some days ago I watched a snowboarding movie that featured Assembly 13 soundtrack, but it's probably official.
added on the 2007-06-25 13:15:02 by xernobyl xernobyl
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a famous Kate Moss photoshoot... know your classics guys! :P

added on the 2007-06-25 13:51:21 by Zest Zest
Haha, classy. Then again, it looks like TBL stole it from the stencil!

hurrrrrrrr, thiefs!!!!!!
added on the 2007-06-25 13:57:41 by okkie okkie
OMG and ASD has stolen a pr0n video from the intarweb!!!
added on the 2007-06-25 14:04:40 by Zest Zest
zest: nice. :) anyway - they (TBL) could have bothered to stencil/trace the picture themselves. :)
added on the 2007-06-25 14:07:22 by gloom gloom
Hey, if we're gonna keep up this whole sampling/stealing fad, let's stay consistent people!
added on the 2007-06-25 14:17:18 by okkie okkie
that kate moss thing..

the stencil version reminds me a LOT of banksy's work, the famous graff artist..

i think kate is over rated anyway. shes ok, but well hhmm not top of my list.
Another famous Kate Moss shot. Know your noses mates.

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added on the 2007-06-25 15:36:52 by oxb oxb
gloom: why bother when someone already did the job?
added on the 2007-06-25 17:26:13 by kusma kusma
A top model snorting coke? Where's the news?
added on the 2007-06-25 18:01:16 by xernobyl xernobyl
kusma: excellent (and valid) point indeed.
added on the 2007-06-25 18:31:53 by gloom gloom
hollowman: It was actually me that mailed P3, They said "its all part of a bitpopsong by pluxus" and goto80 is too lazy to argue with them, and he havnt signed Comsten up to STIM I guess.

anyway the producer of that radioshow is a real homo titanstyle I heard.
