Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
I was going to ask what kind of lame comparisson is that but then I noticed the link :D
I don't get it either, even with the link. Most OpenGL shots look damn impressive compared to DX tho.
You should use DirectX, because in OpenGL guns are broken and you need a scarf to hold them together. Also, as we can see, there are no dudes with helmets in OpenGL. So DirectX beats OpenGL 2:0
Also, OpenGL only is version 2.1, while DirectX already is at version 10!!! Therefore it's lightyears ahead!

Those black metal kids look like kabuki fans.

Don't post in this thread without an image or this buddy will come for YOU!

total sota-ripoff!!!11

(no one else can use silhuettes of women ever again! Evah!)

(no one else can use silhuettes of women ever again! Evah!)

Finland's pride!

A Major chord lolol.

Finland should reconsider its pride

Yes... call him and see what happens to you!