DJ Misjah vs. Oedla Remix Contest
category: general [glöplog]
DJ Misjah vs. Oedla Remix Contest
DJ Misjah and Oelda have their track "Violence" for you to remix.
You can win record deals on Tsunami Records (Purple Eye)
as well as a remix of one of your own tracks from Misjah back.

The contest lasts from June 1 to August 31, 2007.
All info can be found on
Have fun!
DJ Misjah and Oelda have their track "Violence" for you to remix.
You can win record deals on Tsunami Records (Purple Eye)
as well as a remix of one of your own tracks from Misjah back.

The contest lasts from June 1 to August 31, 2007.
All info can be found on
Have fun!
is it just me, or are the "oedla" tracks just plain old-fashioned complete crap?
everytime i get an email from FOEM/Electric Youth i get well annoyed, i must get removed from the mailing list.. i'm sure its a good opportunity for some though, but this is still spam to me :)
hahaha that lady is the wrong way up with a cactus in her panties.
hehe well, its really for those who have fun with it. sorry if we spam you, keito... please let me know your accountname and i will delete it.
were just having some fun with these arts project, and dont want to annoy some guys like you who then want to ruin our work somehow. sorry.
were just having some fun with these arts project, and dont want to annoy some guys like you who then want to ruin our work somehow. sorry.
hey rockmachine, no problem, what i said was just my personal opinion, i know i'm not allowed to have one on pouet ;) but as i said i wasnt having a go at you personaly and i said its a good opportunity for some.
i think its np when u have an opinion hehe
its just frustrating making so much buzz for arts for free and then getting declared as spam. (maybe i was also just a lil fukkt this morning) ((and i hate spam, oh man i hate it))
if u want to get out of the list, let me know your nick, and ill do that for you. so no offense ;)
its just frustrating making so much buzz for arts for free and then getting declared as spam. (maybe i was also just a lil fukkt this morning) ((and i hate spam, oh man i hate it))
if u want to get out of the list, let me know your nick, and ill do that for you. so no offense ;)
as a remixer you get a remixer fee.. make your own music.. FAR better , more rights, more kudos..
not inspired by what i heard , four to the floor zzzz..
theres some scener's music i would rather remix, and NO thats not an an insult to them, SID ownage =)
not inspired by what i heard , four to the floor zzzz..
theres some scener's music i would rather remix, and NO thats not an an insult to them, SID ownage =)