category: general [glöplog]
Hitler was a human-rat.
Finally, they get some problems to open up.
Finally, they get some problems to open up.
Joke of the day:
"Les tentatives de reproduction asexuée chez les êtres humains relatent de vieux cons avec un godemichet dans le cul cherchant leur Tampax."
Isn't it ?
"Les tentatives de reproduction asexuée chez les êtres humains relatent de vieux cons avec un godemichet dans le cul cherchant leur Tampax."
Isn't it ?
...People are composed of strings like a stringed instrument--their nerves, their muscles, nothing but strings. So from time to time they have to be tuned up just like a musical instrument. That's why people talk about a sound mind and a sound body. This "sound" is really musical...
...It's like the sun and the stars in the sky, who are following a schedule. I have to follow that schedule whether I've got one musician or no musicians; I have to do what I have to do...
...It's like the sun and the stars in the sky, who are following a schedule. I have to follow that schedule whether I've got one musician or no musicians; I have to do what I have to do...
Looks like some kind of chat bot to me, and not a good one. Damn funny watching people attempt conversation with it tho :D
Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". Stedman's Medical Dictionary defines psychosis as "a severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning."
People experiencing a psychotic episode may report hallucinations or delusional beliefs (e.g., grandiose or paranoid delusions), and may exhibit personality changes and disorganized thinking. This is often accompanied by lack of insight into the unusual or bizarre nature of their behaviour, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the activities of daily living.
Why is entire pouet using my icon?
LCF: I'm happy to notice that I'm not the only sunday philosopher here. If I wasn't spending so much times working on my demoframework (and drinking cocktails on the seaside), I would have start a book ( rather, an essay) about my recents discoveries in philosophy. This is the time of synthesis in every way, what has no sense before has a sense now.
I was primarily fascinated of how the mind work, how we could make errors and how different people understood things a different way. First, I'm convinced that the mind is, and is only, the result of the automat we have in our heads ; We are all organic robots, and it is enough to explain us in the whole. Then, make no mistake: It does not remove anything to what we are, our feelings , our emotions have the very same meaning: It is even more marvellous at the end, because it prooves a robot could have the sense of humour and could love.
Secondly, in my quest for describing the human condition, I had the use of certain tools:
- Darwinism. It explain the "Why we are on earth" completely, and each details of what we are.
- the tao's genesis: It explains why the earth is there and why it could evolve that way.
- import math
- import math::probabilities
- object programming: it describes how the human's mind work.
In a few words: I've unlocked a few things reading the tao's genesis: Surprisingly, and without explaining how he arrived to it, it describes the states of matter, lights and void the same way as physisian actually explain the world now: it clearly says there was light and void at start, then matter and dark matter was divided by "an impossibility", which lead to matter particles as we know it and are a part of. Yes, it is the big bang. And we now know big bang has no center, it has a zero-time, but is infinite in term of space since t0.(no expansions, but local contractions due to gravitations at some large scale.)
Then, the tao try to describe "the void" and explain that the mind just can't know what it is... But here is the point: as the universe is great and infinite, as things just can take their times to happen... everything is bound to happen... So , if there is a planet with us on it, it was of course bound by randomness.
The human mind is mounted in the reverse way: he think ordering 1,2,3 is coherent, and that a random suit of number is uncoherent, it would be chaotic. Wrong. Randomness is coherence: throw you dice 100 times,it will approach equallity between the 6 sides at the end... throw them 1000 times, you'll get a closer equallity. Now, sound coders knows that a pefect noise contains all frequencies. Randomness is coherence because it is the condition of the universe, that is what the tao try to explain. There is no "intelligence of a god" behind that. And "Darwinism" created us in the shape we are in, exactly using a thrown dice logic.
Now, write an ordered suit of numbers: like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6... it is only coherent for the mind, but has nothing to deal with the universe and its reality, like the whole mathematics: they are a tool used by the mind to understand, it has no reality out of our heads. Even when a CPU makes additions and process a demo: the computer is an organism with states, it has an image of numbers, but are not numbers in any way, they are matter, they are an automat. We use mathematics and science as a tool to "cut out" the laws of nature, what are maths and science, and what is exactly the whole human thought ? Objects. Images of objects in our heads. Exactly in the shape of object programming. Of course, object programming is not efficient because it suit the computer architecture, It is efficient because it suits the human's mind architecture, so that we can understand what we do with the computer (the same way as a CPU is build to process operators that have the shape of the human language, and use iterations , as does the human conscious process.. of course it is NOT the more efficient way, parralelizing is better for example, but the mind couldn't code it (cf:shaders tend to that.).) Everything in our mind manipulate abstract objects, and can only manipulate abstract objects... and these objects are "cut out" from reality... but had actually no sense in reality. there is only matter,light and void. Each individuals will "cut out" reality in a different way, which leads the mind to errors, misconceptions, "anti-patterns", etc...
That's all for today.
I was primarily fascinated of how the mind work, how we could make errors and how different people understood things a different way. First, I'm convinced that the mind is, and is only, the result of the automat we have in our heads ; We are all organic robots, and it is enough to explain us in the whole. Then, make no mistake: It does not remove anything to what we are, our feelings , our emotions have the very same meaning: It is even more marvellous at the end, because it prooves a robot could have the sense of humour and could love.
Secondly, in my quest for describing the human condition, I had the use of certain tools:
- Darwinism. It explain the "Why we are on earth" completely, and each details of what we are.
- the tao's genesis: It explains why the earth is there and why it could evolve that way.
- import math
- import math::probabilities
- object programming: it describes how the human's mind work.
In a few words: I've unlocked a few things reading the tao's genesis: Surprisingly, and without explaining how he arrived to it, it describes the states of matter, lights and void the same way as physisian actually explain the world now: it clearly says there was light and void at start, then matter and dark matter was divided by "an impossibility", which lead to matter particles as we know it and are a part of. Yes, it is the big bang. And we now know big bang has no center, it has a zero-time, but is infinite in term of space since t0.(no expansions, but local contractions due to gravitations at some large scale.)
Then, the tao try to describe "the void" and explain that the mind just can't know what it is... But here is the point: as the universe is great and infinite, as things just can take their times to happen... everything is bound to happen... So , if there is a planet with us on it, it was of course bound by randomness.
The human mind is mounted in the reverse way: he think ordering 1,2,3 is coherent, and that a random suit of number is uncoherent, it would be chaotic. Wrong. Randomness is coherence: throw you dice 100 times,it will approach equallity between the 6 sides at the end... throw them 1000 times, you'll get a closer equallity. Now, sound coders knows that a pefect noise contains all frequencies. Randomness is coherence because it is the condition of the universe, that is what the tao try to explain. There is no "intelligence of a god" behind that. And "Darwinism" created us in the shape we are in, exactly using a thrown dice logic.
Now, write an ordered suit of numbers: like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6... it is only coherent for the mind, but has nothing to deal with the universe and its reality, like the whole mathematics: they are a tool used by the mind to understand, it has no reality out of our heads. Even when a CPU makes additions and process a demo: the computer is an organism with states, it has an image of numbers, but are not numbers in any way, they are matter, they are an automat. We use mathematics and science as a tool to "cut out" the laws of nature, what are maths and science, and what is exactly the whole human thought ? Objects. Images of objects in our heads. Exactly in the shape of object programming. Of course, object programming is not efficient because it suit the computer architecture, It is efficient because it suits the human's mind architecture, so that we can understand what we do with the computer (the same way as a CPU is build to process operators that have the shape of the human language, and use iterations , as does the human conscious process.. of course it is NOT the more efficient way, parralelizing is better for example, but the mind couldn't code it (cf:shaders tend to that.).) Everything in our mind manipulate abstract objects, and can only manipulate abstract objects... and these objects are "cut out" from reality... but had actually no sense in reality. there is only matter,light and void. Each individuals will "cut out" reality in a different way, which leads the mind to errors, misconceptions, "anti-patterns", etc...
That's all for today.
Hitler was a human-rat.
Finally, they get some problems to open up.
Godwin's law. You lose.
cerror: I've been wondering the same thing. annoys me as well.
krabob = is that Sun Ra? And the quote too? He had a wonderful integrated vision that is totally lost on pseudo-intellectuals and habitual haters. I am a psychology student at pretty much the most hardcore scientific psychology department in England (London's UCL), in addition to helping design and run research. So before the pseudo-intellectuals close in, I am aware of what good science entails more than most. If you think deeply and clearly enough, you can see that the 'cosmic' and 'trippy' words of people like Sun Ra can be at least conceived of in terms of socio-cultural developments, environmental cycles, weather patterns etc. In fact you can operationalise these notions in fairly simple statistical terms. In the same way as the oscillation of a string on an instrument describes a movement from its resting state out to one extreme and then back in the opposite direction, many social and environmental patterns tend to follow movements away from - followed by regression back to - the mean (the default state). Maybe Sun Ra never said it that way, though I suspect that Stockhausen must have at least entertained the idea. The musical analogy (or even thinking in terms of literal resonances) is, in my opinion, of far more use to humanity than the absolute stances of the conventional religions or governments. Whilst the notion of good and evil is an issue of faith, and unscientific (because it is not falsifiable), the idea of interconnected processes with some kind of resonant properties is eminently testable. You could form a hypothesis that says "X's observable behaviour towards Y will affect Y's behaviour towards Z, and the amplitude of behaviour change will describe a diminishing function [with properties ABC]", and this general sort of simple model is used all the time. In some ways I've come full circle from talking about Sun Ra to talking about you guys + L.C.F. -> Even when people display apparent magical thinking, or disorganisation and confusion of ideas, this may be rather an executive function issue in delivering their message, instead of them having nothing of value to say. In contrast, see Wernicke's aphasia, a condition that produces vast volumes of grammatical and fluent speech, which however shows absolutely no apparent meaning whatsoever. If you read Wernicke's aphasic patient transcripts you'll quickly realise that a message devoid of meaning sounds very different to the stuff written here.
Yeah, I often post some sun ra pics and quotes on pouet now and then, because I like the idea of doing it, and I'm just a fan of his huge musical work, ... and well he has marvellous quotes... and clothes !
A great french song :
Il était un petit homme
Pirouette cacahuète
Il était un petit homme
Qui avait une drôle de maison
Qui avait une drôle de maison
Sa maison est en carton
Pirouette cacahuète
Sa maison est en carton
Les escaliers sont en papier
Les escaliers sont en papier
Si vous voulez y monter
Pirouette cacahuète
Si vous voulez y monter
Vous vous casserez le bout du nez
Vous vous casserez le bout du nez
Le facteur y est monté
Pirouette cacahuète
Le facteur y est monté
Il s'est cassé le bout du nez
Il s'est cassé le bout du nez
On lui a raccommodé
Pirouette cacahuète
On lui a raccommodé
Avec du joli fil doré
Avec du joli fil doré
Le beau fil, il s'est cassé
Pirouette cacahuète
Le beau fil, il s'est cassé
Le bout du nez s'est envolé
Le bout du nez s'est envolé
Un avion à réaction
Pirouette cacahuète
Un avion à réaction
A rattrapé le bout du nez
A rattrapé le bout du nez
Mon histoire est terminée
Pirouette cacahuète
Mon histoire est terminée
Messieurs, mesdames applaudissez
Messieurs, mesdames applaudissez
Il était un petit homme
Pirouette cacahuète
Il était un petit homme
Qui avait une drôle de maison
Qui avait une drôle de maison
Sa maison est en carton
Pirouette cacahuète
Sa maison est en carton
Les escaliers sont en papier
Les escaliers sont en papier
Si vous voulez y monter
Pirouette cacahuète
Si vous voulez y monter
Vous vous casserez le bout du nez
Vous vous casserez le bout du nez
Le facteur y est monté
Pirouette cacahuète
Le facteur y est monté
Il s'est cassé le bout du nez
Il s'est cassé le bout du nez
On lui a raccommodé
Pirouette cacahuète
On lui a raccommodé
Avec du joli fil doré
Avec du joli fil doré
Le beau fil, il s'est cassé
Pirouette cacahuète
Le beau fil, il s'est cassé
Le bout du nez s'est envolé
Le bout du nez s'est envolé
Un avion à réaction
Pirouette cacahuète
Un avion à réaction
A rattrapé le bout du nez
A rattrapé le bout du nez
Mon histoire est terminée
Pirouette cacahuète
Mon histoire est terminée
Messieurs, mesdames applaudissez
Messieurs, mesdames applaudissez
Shit, I wrote a full page to answer LCF about brain structures, melecules, tao and things... but there was a server lag and the message is lost... that's life...
Who need posting when there is telephaty anyway ?
Who need posting when there is telephaty anyway ?
forestcre ! Some points for you:
Yeah, it more or less works like energy. You know, in all sciences, you can define energy only because you can measure events, proove that it can be conserved, use a unit (joule) to do it, but no-one can define its "nature", which is incredible.
But I wouldn't apply this scheme the exact way as in science, because this "social/indicvidual" energy is always when you don't think it is.
I prefer the concept of "symbolic violence" of Pierre bourdieu which is really clever to my mind: actually, this violence is the base of all our relations, it is the cement of all society and how you construct yourself. (example: when keops thinks a behaviour is not enough "gentlemanly scenish", he shouts after people) -> this is a flow of Symbolic violence. When you do things to proove it to yourself you can do it, it is also symbolic violence.
You could form a hypothesis that says "X's observable behaviour towards Y will affect Y's behaviour towards Z, and the amplitude of behaviour change [...] Even when people display apparent magical thinking, or disorganisation and confusion of ideas, this may be rather an executive ...
Yeah, it more or less works like energy. You know, in all sciences, you can define energy only because you can measure events, proove that it can be conserved, use a unit (joule) to do it, but no-one can define its "nature", which is incredible.
But I wouldn't apply this scheme the exact way as in science, because this "social/indicvidual" energy is always when you don't think it is.
I prefer the concept of "symbolic violence" of Pierre bourdieu which is really clever to my mind: actually, this violence is the base of all our relations, it is the cement of all society and how you construct yourself. (example: when keops thinks a behaviour is not enough "gentlemanly scenish", he shouts after people) -> this is a flow of Symbolic violence. When you do things to proove it to yourself you can do it, it is also symbolic violence.
and the book about it, in french, must be hard to find:
krabob, that's exactly the sort of thing I was talking about - i.e. this kind of idea of a subtle and complex social process. My "model" was purposefully simplistic, but yeah - I think we're basically in agreement :)
One example otherwise, when people are killed in mass and do desesperate stuff, they extend their life to others.
The indians of America do sclaps before being murdered, and live as well as French employ "bosse des maths" for a bump on the upper rear of skull.
I call this Indian Child, in respect to their great civilisation of peace and well thinking.
Note that bad intentions and doing stuffs are juvenile criminality and you are in the unfairness possession of an animal. It's like to confound your growth with one of your muscle.
One thing, Animals want to live in peace and wonder all the time if they have rights to do something. There is a way of wondering that brings the question of conscience.
I've just notice that the growth of the brain can be independent to the rest, maybe due to other slunderings or such a thing, but the DNA stay the same.
Note about telepathy etc, the matter distribution is important. When you slunder someone it's does a stress on the brain as all bad intentions.
Criminality and the bad expressions of people do slundering on Animals as some religions, this lead to a form of belief of Intelligence.
Paradoxically, it's some considerations of the specy that do the bigger violation on the Creation and did not success on maintain correctly it's environment at our day as well we invent cataclysms etc.
Humans have dreams and pretend to understand.
The mean of a human is to reach a state to do not have a dream as Buddha succeed. I succeed too.
Maybe dreaming is a kind of hereditary problem solving ?
In all case dreams have lead to a false thinking of the notion of the unconscious.
Rats are sexed, and birds lay eggs. (see previous notes...)
The same deductions can be done with the case of Sultans.
Note that I'm obliged to precise that I have a brain that is something like well formed as the same length of the forehead and of the back of ears.
And I did not have a bad intention in my life, so it may be deducted a problem of recurrent bad thinkings for those of opposite maybe...
So they invent psychology to help or fight ? A bad taste thing.
Note that I do errors and it's the only real way to learn.
Note that the secret of the well know capacity to think about yourself is lead with the magnific Creation good of "scalpy" brain.
Note that people that think about their understanding of their cat as clever is a reality, and a perfect genetic particularity.
: )
The indians of America do sclaps before being murdered, and live as well as French employ "bosse des maths" for a bump on the upper rear of skull.
I call this Indian Child, in respect to their great civilisation of peace and well thinking.
Note that bad intentions and doing stuffs are juvenile criminality and you are in the unfairness possession of an animal. It's like to confound your growth with one of your muscle.
One thing, Animals want to live in peace and wonder all the time if they have rights to do something. There is a way of wondering that brings the question of conscience.
I've just notice that the growth of the brain can be independent to the rest, maybe due to other slunderings or such a thing, but the DNA stay the same.
Note about telepathy etc, the matter distribution is important. When you slunder someone it's does a stress on the brain as all bad intentions.
Criminality and the bad expressions of people do slundering on Animals as some religions, this lead to a form of belief of Intelligence.
Paradoxically, it's some considerations of the specy that do the bigger violation on the Creation and did not success on maintain correctly it's environment at our day as well we invent cataclysms etc.
Humans have dreams and pretend to understand.
The mean of a human is to reach a state to do not have a dream as Buddha succeed. I succeed too.
Maybe dreaming is a kind of hereditary problem solving ?
In all case dreams have lead to a false thinking of the notion of the unconscious.
Rats are sexed, and birds lay eggs. (see previous notes...)
The same deductions can be done with the case of Sultans.
Note that I'm obliged to precise that I have a brain that is something like well formed as the same length of the forehead and of the back of ears.
And I did not have a bad intention in my life, so it may be deducted a problem of recurrent bad thinkings for those of opposite maybe...
So they invent psychology to help or fight ? A bad taste thing.
Note that I do errors and it's the only real way to learn.
Note that the secret of the well know capacity to think about yourself is lead with the magnific Creation good of "scalpy" brain.
Note that people that think about their understanding of their cat as clever is a reality, and a perfect genetic particularity.
: )
hey, about Illegal telepathy, did you see the news lat week ? a french guy won 2 times the euromillion loto... in the 2 draws of the same week. Well, come on, not only he prooved he is just a precognitive, ... but he paid himself without carring about anything.
LCF: as you got your own sphere some can hardly reach, it would be an honnour if you could draw us a Mandala that would summarize the bartiverse and become a base to extend.
I propose:
next up: another page full of franglais monologues