What does glop means?
category: general [glöplog]
Can someone tell me how did this term evolved and if it really means anything in French or any other language?
pifou was a cartoon character, a kind of dog, whose only vocabulary would be: "glop glop" for yes and
"pas glop pas glop" for no.
"pas glop pas glop" for no.
by yes and no i mean "what is positive" and "what is negative"
the same character is quite well-known in germany.
it's a little brown dog, named "piffi" in german.
he also has a kind of "big brother", named "pif",
who experiences some adventures with the black and
white cat "hercule"; this guy is named "herkules" over here. the cartoons were published in the kiddie mag "yps mit gimmick", wich was discontinued, i think.
actually, the some years ago, me and cer bought our last copy, the gimmick was "das physik-experimentier-gerät" ("phisics experimental device") which mainly was a very simple electronic magnet / motor. disturbingly enough, IN THE ENTIRE MAGAZINE WE DID _NOT_ FIND ANY NOTE NOT TO USE THE TOY WITH A REAL POWER SOCKET!
it's a little brown dog, named "piffi" in german.
he also has a kind of "big brother", named "pif",
who experiences some adventures with the black and
white cat "hercule"; this guy is named "herkules" over here. the cartoons were published in the kiddie mag "yps mit gimmick", wich was discontinued, i think.
actually, the some years ago, me and cer bought our last copy, the gimmick was "das physik-experimentier-gerät" ("phisics experimental device") which mainly was a very simple electronic magnet / motor. disturbingly enough, IN THE ENTIRE MAGAZINE WE DID _NOT_ FIND ANY NOTE NOT TO USE THE TOY WITH A REAL POWER SOCKET!
arg. sorry, mean "physics" of course. can't i type it right, can i ?
"which" as well... oh my...
I vote for an edit function for own messages.. :-)
glop glop
rac; but what the public really wants to know is:
does the german pifou say "nicht glop nicht glop" ?
does the german pifou say "nicht glop nicht glop" ?
[why don't you get a nickname]: no, the german pifou says "glop glop" and "nix glop nix glop"!
glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop glop
aaaaah... so THAT's the reason why i felt like i heard that word before... (has a bunch of original .fr issues of Pif... have to dig 'em up :)
(hehe, let's not forget Placid & Muzo :)
all great holiday stuck-in-a-traffic-jam litterature
Pifou rulz... Pif was my fave comics in my childhood. In Hungarian, of course.
By the way, what are you up to, Optimus? Writing a book on demoscene history? =)
By the way, what are you up to, Optimus? Writing a book on demoscene history? =)
Btw,. only dipswitch is very far for me to reach, and he isn't even interested in glops ;P
gl0p ===> elite
glp ===> minimal and leet too
invent your own glops!!!!!
glp ===> minimal and leet too
invent your own glops!!!!!
Optimus: That's what he _claims_...
true, i'm not really interested in glöps... and maija, i don't only claim so.=)
i just love to fill internet databases, like i used to fill bbs filelisters some years ago...
but it's really funny that "glops" origin from pif. you might not believe this, but in the soviet union, in the 80s, as the connection to the western world just started to develop, we indeed had a pif adaption in russian ! though it was no comic, but a childs book (comics were still "evil")... and though pif didn't just say "glop", but talked in full sentences, it was one of my favorite child's book characters.
okay, now let's make some glops in the name of pif the dog ! alleeeeez !
i just love to fill internet databases, like i used to fill bbs filelisters some years ago...
but it's really funny that "glops" origin from pif. you might not believe this, but in the soviet union, in the 80s, as the connection to the western world just started to develop, we indeed had a pif adaption in russian ! though it was no comic, but a childs book (comics were still "evil")... and though pif didn't just say "glop", but talked in full sentences, it was one of my favorite child's book characters.
okay, now let's make some glops in the name of pif the dog ! alleeeeez !