Debate: Would you support this possible new demo platform?
category: general [glöplog]
User 182 = Stefan
Aid (or lack of) for third world countries is a complicated matter and a perfect solution doesn't exist. However, from a purely technical viewpoint, the OLPC project is an interesting one and I sure wouldn't mind one of them myself.
the idea of aid is just to keep people dependant on it. because a lot of people make a lot of money from our aid money.
and this laptop project is simply a bogus capitalist ploy. the buzzword in business today is "emerging markets" and economies. tech companies and banks are falling over themselves to shove unnecessary products down the throats of ppl in 3rd world countries simply because the pot of new products has dried up. there really is nothing more these people can sell to us, so they're desparate to offload their old shit onto the 3rd World to open up more capital. Of course, it's all done under the disguise of "charity" and 3rd World Development. crap
There was a fury when this OLPC project was first announced because the producers of it hinted that they may make a dirt cheap variation of it for the Western market. Laptop manufacturers conspired with hardware developers to put pressure on them to withdraw the idea because it would screw-up their laptop price rigging schemes. So now you have them promoting it as a goodwill gesture to the 3rd World, when really it’s a money making scheme with no real value to these people at all! I have no problem with people making money, it just irritates me when they pretend to be doing good when what theyre actually doing is bad. I already hear of coutries applying for loans from the IMF to help fund this stupid laptop…like these people need MORE debt from the IMF & World Bank. It’s a complete joke.
and this laptop project is simply a bogus capitalist ploy. the buzzword in business today is "emerging markets" and economies. tech companies and banks are falling over themselves to shove unnecessary products down the throats of ppl in 3rd world countries simply because the pot of new products has dried up. there really is nothing more these people can sell to us, so they're desparate to offload their old shit onto the 3rd World to open up more capital. Of course, it's all done under the disguise of "charity" and 3rd World Development. crap
There was a fury when this OLPC project was first announced because the producers of it hinted that they may make a dirt cheap variation of it for the Western market. Laptop manufacturers conspired with hardware developers to put pressure on them to withdraw the idea because it would screw-up their laptop price rigging schemes. So now you have them promoting it as a goodwill gesture to the 3rd World, when really it’s a money making scheme with no real value to these people at all! I have no problem with people making money, it just irritates me when they pretend to be doing good when what theyre actually doing is bad. I already hear of coutries applying for loans from the IMF to help fund this stupid laptop…like these people need MORE debt from the IMF & World Bank. It’s a complete joke.
What if instead of winning the euro millions all the money went to the poor?
How is Linux a new platform? Oh yeah, no one does anything to it...
i played some music on a prototype of that thing during the gathering!
well it all depends on how good you are
whan VR becomes very real and migratory will they be FREE??
i'll be watching you to make sure you are good enough
and will stop you if youre not!
we might write the eventual software for it with our thalidomide network here at
and purchase a free one for every member of our population
but its a while off yet with technology and medical research being a little slow..and we've also got the games machines and other platforms to work with
not sure how it will turn out yet in the end... i am guessing they will all be free and it will be more about the quality and purity of the software for babies who are born into it..
stay tuned i'll keep an eye on you and this thread over the years to see how u are doing and ofcourse we will purchase one of your systems so we can see how the software progresses or make any alterations (or write our own) etc etc bluurb bluur bluur
whan VR becomes very real and migratory will they be FREE??
i'll be watching you to make sure you are good enough
and will stop you if youre not!
we might write the eventual software for it with our thalidomide network here at
and purchase a free one for every member of our population
but its a while off yet with technology and medical research being a little slow..and we've also got the games machines and other platforms to work with
not sure how it will turn out yet in the end... i am guessing they will all be free and it will be more about the quality and purity of the software for babies who are born into it..
stay tuned i'll keep an eye on you and this thread over the years to see how u are doing and ofcourse we will purchase one of your systems so we can see how the software progresses or make any alterations (or write our own) etc etc bluurb bluur bluur
optimus: check out the horns on that monitor in your video :(
i'm beginning to theink that satan was/is a demoscener and i'm thinking of trashing the scene for better pastures green
i'm beginning to theink that satan was/is a demoscener and i'm thinking of trashing the scene for better pastures green
oh the horns are antenna's
Well, i have good news for you. There will be a new toothbrush with microprocessors from switzerland which have the processing power of a C64!
"Thomas Troxler zeigt den Mikrochip für elektrische Zahnbürsten.
(That guy shows the Microchip for the toothbrush)
Das Schweizer Entwicklungszentrum in Rapperswil funktioniert noch wie ein KMU, obwohl es in die grosse Austriamicrosystems eingebettet ist, die an der Zürcher Börse kotiert ist. Das Rapperswiler Zentrum verdankt seine Existenz dem Förderprogramm des Bundes «Microswiss», das 1992 bis 1999 Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Halbleitertechnik unterstützte. Unter anderem an der Hochschule Rapperswil (HSR).
Daraus entstand im Jahr 2000 eine eigenständige Firma. Thomas Troxler (40) gehörte zum neunköpfigen Gründerteam. «Dieses Team ist heute noch zusammen», erklärt Troxler stolz, «bis auf eine, und die hat Zwillinge bekommen.»
Mittlerweile arbeiten in Rapperswil 25 Personen, Troxler ist mit seinen 40 Jahren einer der Ältesten. Neue Mitarbeiter finden sich meist in der HSR, gleich auf der anderen Strassenseite. Innerhalb der AMS-Gruppe konzentriert sich die Entwicklungsmannschaft in Rapperswil auf drei Marktsegmente: Medizinalgeräte, mikro-elektromechanische Systeme (etwa Handy-Mikrofone), Industriegeräte (etwa hochempfindliche seismische Sensoren).
Der Chip, der die «Sonicare»-Zahnbürste steuert (im Bild), hat es in sich: Er ist ebenso leistungsfähig wie einer der ersten Personal Computer, der Commodore C 64. Und das war eine ziemlich grosse Kiste.
From an article in "Blick" a swiss newspaper.
Here is my Idea how it will work!!!!
"Thomas Troxler zeigt den Mikrochip für elektrische Zahnbürsten.
(That guy shows the Microchip for the toothbrush)
Das Schweizer Entwicklungszentrum in Rapperswil funktioniert noch wie ein KMU, obwohl es in die grosse Austriamicrosystems eingebettet ist, die an der Zürcher Börse kotiert ist. Das Rapperswiler Zentrum verdankt seine Existenz dem Förderprogramm des Bundes «Microswiss», das 1992 bis 1999 Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Halbleitertechnik unterstützte. Unter anderem an der Hochschule Rapperswil (HSR).
Daraus entstand im Jahr 2000 eine eigenständige Firma. Thomas Troxler (40) gehörte zum neunköpfigen Gründerteam. «Dieses Team ist heute noch zusammen», erklärt Troxler stolz, «bis auf eine, und die hat Zwillinge bekommen.»
Mittlerweile arbeiten in Rapperswil 25 Personen, Troxler ist mit seinen 40 Jahren einer der Ältesten. Neue Mitarbeiter finden sich meist in der HSR, gleich auf der anderen Strassenseite. Innerhalb der AMS-Gruppe konzentriert sich die Entwicklungsmannschaft in Rapperswil auf drei Marktsegmente: Medizinalgeräte, mikro-elektromechanische Systeme (etwa Handy-Mikrofone), Industriegeräte (etwa hochempfindliche seismische Sensoren).
Der Chip, der die «Sonicare»-Zahnbürste steuert (im Bild), hat es in sich: Er ist ebenso leistungsfähig wie einer der ersten Personal Computer, der Commodore C 64. Und das war eine ziemlich grosse Kiste.
From an article in "Blick" a swiss newspaper.
Here is my Idea how it will work!!!!
Also i might patent the name "Bluetoothbrush".....
A modular soft-synth for every poor children? Shouldn't they invest their time/money in more educative stuff? :|
A modular soft-synth for every poor children? Shouldn't they invest their time/money in more educative stuff? :|
naaah i dont like anything you do it just all seems like very clever SPAM
i'd much rather stick with bill gates thanks
i'd much rather stick with bill gates thanks
Man, those antenas...
I'm the antena catching vibration, you're the transmitter send information...
I'm the antena catching vibration, you're the transmitter send information...
Btw, that is the Necroponte guy(what an awesome name) on 60 minutes, informative and educational.
OLPC, from 16bit to 32bit hack:
thanks for the link, i laughed my ass off. just a few remarks:
- the article is about a NES emulator, not a 16 to 32bit hack
- the author of the article apparently skipped graphics coding 101
- 5-10 times less powerful machines can also emulate a NES
the bright side:
Havoc, 12 points.
La Hollande, 12 points.
La Hollande, 12 points.
and this laptop project is simply a bogus capitalist ploy. the buzzword in business today is "emerging markets" and economies. tech companies and banks are falling over themselves to shove unnecessary products down the throats of ppl in 3rd world countries simply because the pot of new products has dried up. there really is nothing more these people can sell to us, so they're desparate to offload their old shit onto the 3rd World to open up more capital. Of course, it's all done under the disguise of "charity" and 3rd World Development. crap
Its not just a bogus thing and the people behind it are not some dumb sellers - they actually know very exactly what they are doing. Better check out the FOSDEM 2007 Presentation and you will notice that they know about the conditions in those countries which will possibly use the OLPC.
You can also try out the system by downloading the LiveCD.
I agree, technically it's a very interesting project. Dutch people should buy this month's c't magazine, it has a great article about all the technical innovations and the security mechanisms in this laptop.
As an answer to the question in topic: No, and I will personally kill and eat anyone who does.