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category: residue [glöplog]
very cool bg pic, a_lee_n!
did you made it? cool stuff..
did you made it? cool stuff..
i made a better desktop. is it now ok kb?

did you activate Active Desktop so the GIF is animated? :D

hmm.. let's add another boring desktop:

scaled down a bit

another one

Nice and simple.
visy, great pic. i just stole that one and put it on mine as well. =)
There are still some people that think that naked cgi chicks and made-in-5-minutes-in-apophysis wallpapers are cool. :(
Hmm. Let's fix that

naked cgi chicks and made-in-5-minutes-in-apophysis
I think Bartman's pic rules. I'd love to know how to create something like that!

here's the original pic I downloaded from somewhere. It's big enough. make your own wallpaper.


This desktop is enough to play your favourite porn - that's enough