
Outline 2007 - May 11th - 14th

category: general [glöplog]
And we'd like to remind people that our guests can count on coffee, tea and a fresh, hearty breakfast -free of charge.
added on the 2007-04-25 10:50:33 by Shifter Shifter
yesterday eve i ordered my ticket, so i will be there to fight for STE ! :-)
added on the 2007-04-25 13:21:59 by Zweckform Zweckform
once your order has been confirmed, we'll update the attendee list to reflect that :)
added on the 2007-04-25 15:42:09 by Shifter Shifter
the first outline 2007 invitation intro has been released! cheers to .tSCc. for the nice job they did :-)

added on the 2007-05-07 21:22:31 by havoc havoc
And it's a new world record!!! Released plenty of time before the party! (so, maybe my entries will be finished faster this year :P)
added on the 2007-05-08 08:15:15 by --- ---

a quick reminder: you can still pre-buy your tickets today for a 10 euro discount!

so if you were hesitating, now would be an excellent moment to decide to show up! to support you in making this decision, your favourite demogroup Orb made a Windows invitation!!
added on the 2007-05-09 13:42:14 by skrebbel skrebbel
any news on the weather forecast?
added on the 2007-05-09 13:51:52 by dipswitch dipswitch
Probably a bit rainy and temperatures around 20 degrees celcius...


after 6 weeks of fucking sunshine and tropical temperatures el niño desides to fuck us over NOW!? FUCK YOU EL NIÑO! FUCK YOU!
added on the 2007-05-09 14:09:45 by okkie okkie
on the bright side: saturday is currently predicted to be (somewhat) sunny... soo... bbq maybe?
added on the 2007-05-09 14:11:33 by havoc havoc
okkie: childporn is illegal
added on the 2007-05-09 16:16:34 by earx earx

second invitation also released (for all the slowpokes): http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=30637

now we only have to wait for the -real- invitro *ahem* ;))
added on the 2007-05-09 16:31:50 by earx earx
skrebbel: you already added it, arghll..

i'd better stick to coding.
added on the 2007-05-09 16:32:30 by earx earx
i would exchange this great fucking weather here in Lisbon for a piece of Outline...

added on the 2007-05-09 18:51:02 by jeenio jeenio
I would exchange my pubes for a surfboard. Aparently.
added on the 2007-05-09 19:13:40 by xernobyl xernobyl
Thoughtful reminder: the grace period for mail-in entries is Firday May 11th, 16:00 CET -after this we cannot guarantee participation as we'll be unable to check our inboxes (no internet connection, though P01 keeps reminding us to use Opera Mini on a mobile phone ;))
added on the 2007-05-11 01:02:22 by Shifter Shifter
:) well at least I know for sure that it works on shit-brick-phones. And a grps connection should be enough to DL a couple of zipped MSA and ST files.
added on the 2007-05-11 01:47:45 by p01 p01
gprs even
added on the 2007-05-11 01:48:10 by p01 p01
real phones can't install any 3rd party software you know :)
added on the 2007-05-11 10:30:02 by skrebbel skrebbel
my phone is a bit oldschool :p
added on the 2007-05-11 11:01:47 by p01 p01
We (RA and Zweckform) are now starting our trip to Outline for a happy weekend of demos, chatting and more.

See you there !!
added on the 2007-05-11 11:19:02 by Zweckform Zweckform
Packing my sleeping bag, camera and some tea. See you tonight!
added on the 2007-05-11 13:13:51 by bruce bruce
yay hanging out with the ninjas
added on the 2007-05-11 19:24:03 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
grrr stupid brain, I couldn't fix my boot in time. I'll try to release it ASAP anyway. Sorry for not being able to support Outline more.
added on the 2007-05-12 21:07:25 by p01 p01
I'm already back from Outline as I had to leave earlier but as far as I can tell the party ruled and it is still going strong at this very moment :)
