
How do you guys arrange for the time to do demos?

category: general [glöplog]
i sold my lsd to psonice so i could buy cheese and baguettes to pay keops for my demo :P
added on the 2007-03-07 17:23:59 by havoc havoc
boring tasks at work makes democoding more entertaining. try to get a routine job. or make routine demos and find other areas for entertainment. both works well.
outsourcing to India should work..
added on the 2007-03-07 18:01:22 by el mal el mal
i hold a seance and channel my code from ghosts

I come home from work (computer job) feeling rather tired and my motivation to pick up the code is very little. On weekends I usually go out to see my friends, so I don't do any coding.

You merely describe a dilemma a lot of folks may have around here.
Well, sometimes you gotta set principles ;)

ATM it goes like that: "...sorry gotta code on the intro bla bla snah" -
"ahhh that stuff where you go to Falingbostel, eh ?" -
" ...err yea, that suff where I go to Falingbo-whatever.
But you guys sure can come over for a EUR 5,- Buy In cash game
anyway...bring the chips I got the beer"
added on the 2007-03-07 18:29:32 by d0DgE d0DgE
watching jack bauer weekly or testing every new stupid russian (or not) FPS is not negotiable!
added on the 2007-03-07 18:43:18 by Zest Zest
Get home early, cook some good but very light food, read a nice book, don't abuse tv or the internot, then I try to get to bed early. Before that, set up the alarm clock as early as possible, and think about what you're going to work on the next day.

Then get up around 5.30am, have a hefty breakfast (proteins, fat, vitamins) and a too warm shower, then start working betwen 6.30am and 8.00am, which is when you're supposed to get into commute.

At least that's what I try to do.
added on the 2007-03-07 18:51:43 by _-_-__ _-_-__
don't sleep.
sleep is for the weak.
added on the 2007-03-07 19:02:56 by dila dila
contact your isp to block pouet.
Afaik, there are a lot of demosceners very young, students yet, with a lot of free time.

time dilatation alert! texel is stuck in 1989!

Most of the groups develop their framework for lots of years, so then releasing new stuff is just a bit of code (if a new effect is added), a bit of graphics, design, music and direction.

boy, you sure seem like you've got mondo experience about these frameworks.
added on the 2007-03-07 19:16:53 by reed reed
i used to skip classes and stay home coding. intercalating between univ projects and personal projects (code/music) according to deadlines and priorities.
exams studying period would be the most productive time since one gets tired from studying all the time (and also conjuring evil ideas on how to apply the learned concepts to practical projects) and there is nothing else to for univ.

nowdays i also work 9 to 17, and when i get home i still have to handle all the netlabel related event organizing so i seldom code or track much of anything anymore. only some the works for univ and even those are mostly done during the weekends that i have nothing social arranged. sometimes i stay up coding/tracking from 1 to 4am when im not that tired (after 1am all internet is dead so it doesnt kill the zone away anymore). i did start sketching on paper when travelling or socializing so atleast i have some gfx material to work with now. too bad there is no time to implement the code to make it anything useful. maybe in july or something..
added on the 2007-03-07 19:17:11 by psenough psenough
an hour on the train home every day on the laptop, and an hour at lunchtime. :) thats how i get time.
added on the 2007-03-07 20:57:05 by smash smash
I don't and Nova doesn't either. That's why we don't release anything at all since 2004 \o/
added on the 2007-03-07 21:04:19 by keops keops
Things were easier when I had to commute 1 hour every morning and every evening, I had at ~1 hour per day to try things on my laptop. Now I live 15 minutes away from work, do more or less the same thing at work as I do for myself and have more "social time", so it's difficult to focus on demo coding.

When I want to make a demo I usually code a bunch of effects until 3 months before the deadline ( I work alone, except for the music ). Then I design and plan ( direction, how to use the effects, transitions, other effects, ... ) the prod on paper and continue to work with the little time I manage to focus until I'm done ... usually a few minutes/hours before the deadline ... unless my computer completely fall apart on the way to the party in which case I'm fucked.

It takes time. That's probably why I enjoy so much to try something else and make tiny prods such as 32b, 64b, 256b or bootsectors.
added on the 2007-03-07 22:06:29 by p01 p01
someone get smash a car, we are fokkin tired of those lowres skeletons by now.
added on the 2007-03-07 22:43:56 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
and forbid him lunching ?
added on the 2007-03-07 23:53:55 by Zest Zest
actually I was very positively surprised to hear of a britton who enjoys hour long lunch breaks!
added on the 2007-03-08 00:03:58 by _-_-__ _-_-__
i should stop coding demos at work. at least i'm being said so.
added on the 2007-03-08 00:36:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
Spamming usenet and pouet is a way faster option to achieve demoscene reputation, which can also be combined with common life activities such as profitable jobs and regular sexual intercourses.
added on the 2007-03-08 00:54:47 by dixan dixan
wait, what? usenet still exists?! i should investigate...
added on the 2007-03-08 00:57:49 by uncle-x uncle-x
Spamming usenet and pouet is a way faster option to achieve demoscene reputation, which can also be combined with common life activities such as profitable jobs and regular sexual intercourses.

i partly miss the spamming pouet part and totally miss the profitable jobs and the regular sexual intercourses part, otherwise i think my demoscene reputation is almost done by now. hey, i even managed to enjoy a slow dance with jeenio while kissing him, wtf! (yeah, wtf? omg...)

- rmeht - diesel power supply iconoclast -
added on the 2007-03-08 01:49:49 by rmeht rmeht
You don't -find- the time.

While you're demoing, you Cancel Your Life. My WoW account hasn't been touched in a month (cancelled it), gametap maybe 2 hours in the last 2 weeks (just cancelled that), I've forgotten where I was in Oblivion. If you are coding something of quality, it's going to take dozens, if not hundreds of hours of free time. Especially if you're coding your own framework from scratch.

Pre-made frameworks are nice but you still need to put time into camera moves, synch, new scenes, and meaningless scenepoetry.

One sad thing is that demomaking eats the time I used to spend demo-watching. I've only seen 10 or 12 of the last year's crop. The years before I watched every (win32) release from every party.
added on the 2007-03-08 01:51:09 by GbND GbND
The years before I watched every (win32) release from every party.

what kind of a sick son of a bitch are you?
added on the 2007-03-08 05:14:17 by reed reed
maybe he's blessed to be in the scene.org awards jury? ;)
added on the 2007-03-08 06:49:33 by _-_-__ _-_-__
I thought that watching every win32 release from every party was normal.
added on the 2007-03-08 08:52:27 by Preacher Preacher
