Voxel landscapes?
category: general [glöplog]
Is it possible to do a high res voxel landscape using the GPU?
Something like this http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=466 at 1280x800?
Something like this http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=466 at 1280x800?
This also reminds me: Where did the lensflares go? Every demo had to have some at the end of the 90ies.. I bet it would be possible to do really cool ones with shaders
now that GPU are used to do also 'CPU' computing (like in SupCom) and that nvidia even provides a C compiler for the 8800 series, i guess so.
xernobyl why would you want voxelspace? gpu should use polies for displaying a highres heightmap
hint: parallax mapping.
Parallax mapping in PS2.0 from a small angle looks like a series of layers.
it is possible to do it by even by software
Hey... I've just thought... it would be really great a voxel code competition today, to take a look of oldschool effects in new hardware...
It would be very interesant to see what GPU can do, and what CPU can nowadays... Mars ran fine in 93 in low resolution... so 14 years later, could it be done better enough to be surprising?
It would be very interesant to see what GPU can do, and what CPU can nowadays... Mars ran fine in 93 in low resolution... so 14 years later, could it be done better enough to be surprising?
Hey... I've just thought... it would be really great a voxel code competition today, to take a look of oldschool effects in new hardware...
Are you in hugi?
No thanks karlzzon... I've not even read any of these magazines... but I'm oldschool...
As no one has stated it yet in this thread...
THEY'RE HEIGHTFIELDS, NOT VOXELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
THEY'RE HEIGHTFIELDS, NOT VOXELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
No thanks karlzzon... I've not even read any of these magazines... but I'm oldschool...
No, you're not.
the_Ye-Ti: there's a very simple reason to want to do it. To create something unique and cool looking. Demos have traditionally been more about that than they have been about efficiency and accuracy.
What's unique and cool looking in a highres "voxel" landscape?
we got volume textures now, which offer a lot more possibilities than heightfields. :)
What's unique and cool looking in a highres "voxel" landscape?
That's what I want to see :(
There was an amiga demo (if i'm remembering right) that had some kind of filtered voxel landscape, it was smooth instead of blocky. Anyone remember what it was called? Must have been around '96-ish at a guess.