NUMERICA demoparty is unleashed - get your seat for it!
category: general [glöplog]
finally i got my seat reserved and all that..
skrebbel: you got that seat. we just gotta arrange time and place in eindhoven eventually. oh yeah, bring some music along :)
skrebbel: you got that seat. we just gotta arrange time and place in eindhoven eventually. oh yeah, bring some music along :)
Two things:
- The whole registration process/confirnation mail is in FRENCH. Hello?! Louis XIV is dead! English anyone?
- the video about demoscene history is really cool (in french unfortunately, again...), but you know there have been other things besides Commodore and PC, right? :)
Damn french nationalist amiga zealots! ;)
Besides that, this looks like a serious party, I wish you all the best for the organization. Recent french parties have been quite a mess from what I understand...
- The whole registration process/confirnation mail is in FRENCH. Hello?! Louis XIV is dead! English anyone?
- the video about demoscene history is really cool (in french unfortunately, again...), but you know there have been other things besides Commodore and PC, right? :)
Damn french nationalist amiga zealots! ;)
Besides that, this looks like a serious party, I wish you all the best for the organization. Recent french parties have been quite a mess from what I understand...
ehh keops ehh does your first point imply that you're seriously planning to come?? that'd be just great!!
i'll bring some c\~/
i'll bring some c\~/

keops: i saw you registered at the page.. you coming all the way from canada to numerica then??
Nope, I actually registered for a remote entry, can't possible come to Europe right now. I really wish I could, the list of attendants is filled with cool Atari people; )
ahh ok. i was already afraid i'd find out what you look like!
hm, come to think of it, that must've been why i slept so bad last night!
hm, come to think of it, that must've been why i slept so bad last night!

and by the way....confirming keops' point
Remote entries will be accepted at Numerica demoparty! DTV allows you to join and enjoy parties remotely here there everywhere in the world so why would we not accept entries from...everywhere in the world? Feel free sceners to send us your entries even if you cannot attend- we are more than happy to welcome them!
Make demos; watch them on DTV during Numerica!
Remote entries will be accepted at Numerica demoparty! DTV allows you to join and enjoy parties remotely here there everywhere in the world so why would we not accept entries from...everywhere in the world? Feel free sceners to send us your entries even if you cannot attend- we are more than happy to welcome them!
Make demos; watch them on DTV during Numerica!
@skrebbel: omfg, you attending :)
@metapat: you should set a new rule about preventing remote entries from Keops, kthx!
@metapat: you should set a new rule about preventing remote entries from Keops, kthx!
there have been other things besides Commodore and PC, right? :)
Yep! XBOX and this curious company starting with an A...
and kaneel: I think that Keops is pretty much preventing that with his amazing release schedule as it is ;)
Shifter: funny thing is that you are actually right, somehow.
I really hope ******** doesn't read this thread or else he might get quite upset/anxious :)
Don't worry ********, it's all under control! (hopefully!)
I really hope ******** doesn't read this thread or else he might get quite upset/anxious :)
Don't worry ********, it's all under control! (hopefully!)
Yeah, ********, not to worry -******** will ******** while your sister ******** and ******** will ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** and saliva ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ********.
At the end of it ******** ******** ******** Atari sucks.
At the end of it ******** ******** ******** Atari sucks.
Shifter: I have no doubt ******** will recognize himself if he reads this thread :)
thank you for reminding me i have to kill ***** and *******
as it's relatively soon!
also... metapat.. answer my email goddammit :)
as it's relatively soon!
also... metapat.. answer my email goddammit :)
see you guys at NUMERICA!
The number of places being limited to 100 participants and we have already 114 pre registrations...
it is from now on essential to prepay your places on line if you want to be sure to have a place !
If you already are registered, you can pay your place by PayPal or credit card here.
it is from now on essential to prepay your places on line if you want to be sure to have a place !
If you already are registered, you can pay your place by PayPal or credit card here.
hurray raimo :)
yay, i prepaid too \o/
btw havoc: where the hell are you? :D
btw havoc: where the hell are you? :D
The good new finally arrived ! The best achievements will be rewarded by a price for 5000 euros to be divided according to various competitions categories.