future of 64k intros
category: general [glöplog]
I'm not whining, just asking for others opinion to see if my thoughts make sense or not. No need to say each one can do what he wants.
Even if it wasn't your birthday I would agree.
yes, my copypaste/was broken, it made rather funny tho, iam not sure if iam gonna change it, tho i was about to quite rob... as you mightve guessed.. it basically says the same tho.
its all about shut the fuck up basically.
its all about shut the fuck up basically.
in order to make a sculpture you still need a piece of rock...
In my personal and very humble opinion, the criteria for what *any* demo or intro may use are quite simple: It should be possible to do a clean install of the operating system and drivers and run the demo/intro. If it works, it's OK, if it doesn't, go complain. If it requires anything that's not found on every system out there (which includes D3DX DLLs, mind you), it feels like cheating to me.
KeyJ: How about service packs and recommended updates? A "clean install" is a bit vague, given that there are at least N different versions of an XP install, some including SP2, others not.
In my opinion, the reasonable thing is having a clean install + updates, such as newest DX retail and drivers.
In my opinion, the reasonable thing is having a clean install + updates, such as newest DX retail and drivers.
by the way, it takes quite a lot of effort and processing to make windows speech synth and gm.dls sound cool, it's not a freebie way to a good soundtrack. :)
iq's post is interesting because he's kindof wrong. :) the funny thing is how much people are _not_ using right now for 64ks even tho they're free to do so, and how much people are _not_ pushing technical boundaries. hardly any of the "big name" 64ks released so far even used d3dx - 4ks have made a lot more use of it.
actually, most of the 64ks around today are pretty low tech, still pushing the same texture generators, the same primitives+warping and the same sound from the synth (or even the same synth, pretty much) that fr used in the product, and everybody seems pretty happy with it. if anything, it's moved away totally from the technical aspects that came to prominence in the early 2000s and has gone back towards an older style - where you make stuff that looks good in 64k because it doesnt need to be any larger (like, say,particle fx and so on), rather than trying to do something in 64k that's hard to pull off (like using shitloads of hand-made, or looking hand-made, graphics). e.g. chaos theory, aesterozoa and fiat homo, give or take a few little things and a soundtrack here and there, wouldnt have benefitted from more space - 64k was plenty, and designers rule the roost. im not dissing those productions - they're excellent. but there's a lot of scope for new technical innovation, a wealth of interesting technical ideas + research that would apply perfectly to 64ks and could make something really cool. sadly,the fact that conspiracy are still ruling the roost with a virtually unchanged 3 year old demotool pretty much says it all about 64k right now. :)
iq's post is interesting because he's kindof wrong. :) the funny thing is how much people are _not_ using right now for 64ks even tho they're free to do so, and how much people are _not_ pushing technical boundaries. hardly any of the "big name" 64ks released so far even used d3dx - 4ks have made a lot more use of it.
actually, most of the 64ks around today are pretty low tech, still pushing the same texture generators, the same primitives+warping and the same sound from the synth (or even the same synth, pretty much) that fr used in the product, and everybody seems pretty happy with it. if anything, it's moved away totally from the technical aspects that came to prominence in the early 2000s and has gone back towards an older style - where you make stuff that looks good in 64k because it doesnt need to be any larger (like, say,particle fx and so on), rather than trying to do something in 64k that's hard to pull off (like using shitloads of hand-made, or looking hand-made, graphics). e.g. chaos theory, aesterozoa and fiat homo, give or take a few little things and a soundtrack here and there, wouldnt have benefitted from more space - 64k was plenty, and designers rule the roost. im not dissing those productions - they're excellent. but there's a lot of scope for new technical innovation, a wealth of interesting technical ideas + research that would apply perfectly to 64ks and could make something really cool. sadly,the fact that conspiracy are still ruling the roost with a virtually unchanged 3 year old demotool pretty much says it all about 64k right now. :)
(thats not a dig at cns btw - they didnt need to go push out a new engine because nobody's pushed them into it)
we still will though. i hope.
Gargaj: I see the point with the updates and service packs. You're right, these are OK, too.
about d3dx
i'm fed up hunting for random d3dx9_yy.dll
can't it included in the zip for each prod ? would it be much of a problem when demos or wilds take shitloads of megabytes ?
i'm fed up hunting for random d3dx9_yy.dll
can't it included in the zip for each prod ? would it be much of a problem when demos or wilds take shitloads of megabytes ?
meh. wrong url.
yeah well i know the internet ...
however sometimes i just launch a prod, discovers that it requires a dll i don't have, and i just switch to something else cause i'm fucking busy :(
however sometimes i just launch a prod, discovers that it requires a dll i don't have, and i just switch to something else cause i'm fucking busy :(
not that easy in the end :D
kevin: just copy the d3dx files in your WINDOWS\ dir, so they get loaded automagically.. obviously you wont notice when you're running a d3dx- specific intro/demo tho, but who cares? (besides mov)
smash: intros do not push the limit I know, just as demos don't. This is quite evident if we compare to the CG or game develop community; but this is not new. I agree we are not pushing the limits of the technologie at all; that's why I said that I see them improving "without any major evident to me limit", and a prove is that they are getting better and better as I mentioned. But I agree, we are far from pushing anything here, even if intros still create a "wow" effect to the newcomers to the demosene.
for others, note that I only wanted to discuss about _data_, while everyone here mentions service packs, APIs, and DX dlls.
BoyC's comment is interesting however; I'll have to "ask my pillow" (can one use this expression in english?)
for others, note that I only wanted to discuss about _data_, while everyone here mentions service packs, APIs, and DX dlls.
BoyC's comment is interesting however; I'll have to "ask my pillow" (can one use this expression in english?)
"to sleep over it" is a better choice IIRC for this phrase :)
oh dont worry... germans apparently talk to their bed
indeed so. three of my closest friends are pillows, including our coder. come to think of it, that might be why he hasn't written a single line of code yet...
this discussion is so 90s. look mom, they're cheating because they need univbe. look mom, they're cheating they need opengl installed separately. look mom, they're cheating they are using windows fonts and not bitmaps.
however, whining is always hot! continue iq!
however, whining is always hot! continue iq!
I cannot believe you don't understand that I'm only discussing about _data_. I will repeat just in case, I only dicussing about _data_. Once more: _data_.
univbe/opengl are not _data_. These are APIs. Or I belong to another universe may be?
univbe/opengl are not _data_. These are APIs. Or I belong to another universe may be?
so using system components such as univbe, opengl, directx, etc. is not cheating, but using system data such as fonts and bitmaps is?
btw and's zoom3 from 2003(!) is still a major wow! and even if it's using xp speech synthesis :p