
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
yep, delete one of them, there are probably 50 versions of this cracktro with some different text each time but it's still the same cracktro.
added on the 2007-02-05 14:56:40 by keops keops
technically speaking it's a separate prod even if the only difference is the text. i'd vote for keeping both of them.
added on the 2007-02-05 15:00:14 by reed reed
I request a cleanup from goatses even if it was a mistake.
added on the 2007-02-05 15:11:46 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
Reed: shall we post the 100 versions of each cracktro on pouet then??? That doesnt make sense.

A lot of identical cracktros were used for dozens of games...
added on the 2007-02-05 15:16:07 by keops keops
i know.
added on the 2007-02-05 15:29:34 by reed reed
oh well, did we ever make sense anyway :)
added on the 2007-02-05 15:31:03 by keops keops
i was afraid of spawning this discussion....
added on the 2007-02-05 15:39:07 by psenough psenough

Please delete that production of Kieselsteine. It's not a production of TEK (the electronic knights). Further more we are not affiliated with Kieselsteine in any way. As one of the few members I would know when we got new members or a name-change.


The production is called 1atunnel. Please delete it.

Thanks in advance.

added on the 2007-02-05 18:59:39 by cybin cybin
delete? no way.

ps, can you unmerge perhaps?
added on the 2007-02-05 19:01:41 by havoc havoc
cybin: done (unmerged)
added on the 2007-02-05 19:03:58 by keops keops
hmm.. for it to be merged someone requested it.. i would like to know the reasons....
added on the 2007-02-05 19:13:23 by psenough psenough
keops: thats not an unmerge, thats a remove credits from prod and not notice the groups are the ones who are merged for unknown reasons.
anyways, the groupnames have been unassociated. i still would like to know why they were associated to begin with....
added on the 2007-02-05 19:19:20 by psenough psenough
sorry I was not done yet, I was working at the same time
added on the 2007-02-05 19:24:46 by keops keops
I'm quite certain these should be listed under Oldskool.
added on the 2007-02-05 21:07:03 by Sverker Sverker
tribe: without the need to start UAE: Why?
pulsar: it was fixed by someone.
ps: The Gathering 2000 appears twice, I guess someone forget to set the year for a release.
MadenMann: Oldskool is a group, Fazwonga is a member of the group... He was the sysop of their WHQ for example.
added on the 2007-02-06 08:01:37 by Sverker Sverker
sorry typo :/
the name of the DEMO is:

Pulstar (with T !)

thanks for fix
added on the 2007-02-06 09:47:24 by elkmoose elkmoose
added on the 2007-02-06 11:49:08 by psenough psenough
keops: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=29617 ot the linkl of your previously added prod ;P
*got the link
