
Prolexic.com DDOS Service

category: general [glöplog]
and considering the number of gloperators we have, it would be an easy job once the stuff is coded.
added on the 2007-01-30 19:50:52 by keops keops
A mail containing the post could be sent to the gloperators with a checkbox Validate/Discard and as soon a gloperator has voted, the post is validated and added to Pouet.

It would be all about delaying the post till some gloperator validate it through a mail (again, only for new users with very few glops)

added on the 2007-01-30 19:53:56 by keops keops
a) hello!
b) sorry, i dont play shooters
c) was?
d) all three of the above

rob is?
a) god
b) jarig
c) aardbei
d) all three of the above
added on the 2007-01-30 20:17:09 by el mal el mal
a) Bass
b) Treble
added on the 2007-01-30 20:26:04 by jua jua
any gloperatoring of the bbs would kill pouet spirit.

and btw that is prolly not a real spammer but a troll mad at pouet. Coul the gloperators check his IP ?

added on the 2007-01-30 20:31:14 by Zest Zest
Zest: learn to read please, I did not talk about "gloperatoring of the bbs", I talked about validating thread creations from new accounts with 0 glops, that's quite a difference don't you think?
added on the 2007-01-30 20:36:11 by keops keops
and btw that is prolly not a real spammer but a troll mad at pouet.

It's Timbaland!!!
Maali: That would work :D
added on the 2007-01-30 21:05:17 by xernobyl xernobyl
1) Hay.
2) Hay is for horses, food is for humans.
added on the 2007-01-30 21:55:07 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
let's all send greetings to 911@prolexic.com
added on the 2007-01-30 22:18:56 by linde linde
Wait. Maybe the person who created this thread wasn't from prolexic; maybe its from the guys who own the wholesale valves botnet, and they don't like prolexic, so they thought that by making it look as if prolexic spammed pouet, we'd all go and annoy them like we annoyed the valve online chat people!
added on the 2007-01-30 22:31:44 by xeron xeron
ohnoes, it's a CONSPIRACY
added on the 2007-01-30 22:35:19 by el mal el mal
Quick! Everybody put on your aluminium foil deflector beanie!
added on the 2007-01-30 22:43:42 by xeron xeron
Guys, this most likely is what is commonly called a "joe-job" - a spam gang sending fake spam in the name of anti-spam operations to hurt them.


So, the spam post here possibly could be the gang that spammed for the valve stuff again - as they use DDoS as their tacticts, a company providing anti-DDoS services would be their natural enemy.
added on the 2007-01-31 00:29:44 by scamp scamp
OH my god! The evil haxo4rez0r5!!!
added on the 2007-01-31 00:38:54 by xernobyl xernobyl
scamp: yeh, ignoring, banning the user and upgrading the create account system is the best decision.
added on the 2007-01-31 01:36:36 by psenough psenough
heh. funny coincidence. I followed the link to this bbs post from the front page and got a 'page is taking too long to respond'... then couldn't reach any of pouet all day today. I can only reach here now on a proxy server.
added on the 2007-01-31 02:14:55 by chameleon chameleon
