about cracktos... warez sucks! It is ilegal
category: general [glöplog]
stop this i'm RobinHood the great, who gives the poor what they can't have otherwise crap. no one is buying it...
texel, just stfu would u, ok?
make demos not cracktros.
wanna impress? yeah then make a demo.
wanna impress? yeah then make a demo.
A small mention to Borland Delphi Personal Edition. It’s free and poos on any opensource / free IDE’s. Let the Pascal ripping begin.
Also, someone should start uploading “import” intros that used to sit on warez that where imported into countries by traders / phreaks back when. That way it will give the Crack scene someone to rag on.
Also, someone should start uploading “import” intros that used to sit on warez that where imported into countries by traders / phreaks back when. That way it will give the Crack scene someone to rag on.
texel is just in a bad mood because he was kicked from his sites or something :)
Sorry guys, I was just joking. It is fun to know what you say about warez, open sources, and all that. I don't care of what you do in your computers at all. I have even done a crack for a program, just for "educational purposes" and that's ilegal XD. What I only think is correct, is that if you use a program for commercial purposes and you win money enough to buy it, it is a good reason to buy it. About cracktros, obviously it is a joke. Old cracktos was the start of the nowadays demoscene, so I can't critic cracktos at all (and I haven't done that). And Kami, I've not kicked from my site, I've just change a bit the look... now it is much more stupid XDDDDD. Sorry again, I hope you can understand these little jokes.
How funny.
Irritating tenths of people a day must be a good source of joy for you. However, would you be so kind as to rid us of your "little jokes"?
Hey, don't eat people who open interesting discussions :)
Texel rules!
Texel rules!
I'm with noid on this one
a new level of average
just joking ??????????????????????????????
Some cracktro's are cool, some demo's are cool, some intro's are cool, some diskmags are cool, some slideshows are cool, some people are cool.. and which of these particular ones we each like is not a statement of who's better - but personal tastes.. Empathize, and realize people come from different backgrounds.. one person can agree while another disagrees and both can be right..
Just get along and have a good attitude, put effort into your related work and our scene can flourish..
Just get along and have a good attitude, put effort into your related work and our scene can flourish..
Some demos are illegal.
and this guy is illegal...
hey foolman,
you don't know what you have done....i asked KRUEGER(old coder of equinox intros)what's up with STEPH and he said he was working in BORDEAUX...i didn't have news from him since 10 years and, in equinox,with TDS and KRUEGER he was my best friend.....;so cool to have his mail,you can't imagine the time i passed with him waiting for the crack of the"rob northen"copyloc,each week we were going to each other house with all our computers,and in equinox,we where almost 10!!.......last time he gived news to me was in a REPLICANTS scroll where he asked for TEC and EIDOLON!!!
thanks for ever man!!!!!
you don't know what you have done....i asked KRUEGER(old coder of equinox intros)what's up with STEPH and he said he was working in BORDEAUX...i didn't have news from him since 10 years and, in equinox,with TDS and KRUEGER he was my best friend.....;so cool to have his mail,you can't imagine the time i passed with him waiting for the crack of the"rob northen"copyloc,each week we were going to each other house with all our computers,and in equinox,we where almost 10!!.......last time he gived news to me was in a REPLICANTS scroll where he asked for TEC and EIDOLON!!!
thanks for ever man!!!!!
this guy is illegal as well ::>

Hey foolman,
i posted a message to my old friend illegal esterday and this morning i had an answer with some news from him and his phone number....he will be married soon,and i'll see him next time he will come to paris...
again,thanks for ever man,i'm so happy for that!
i posted a message to my old friend illegal esterday and this morning i had an answer with some news from him and his phone number....he will be married soon,and i'll see him next time he will come to paris...
again,thanks for ever man,i'm so happy for that!