Suggestion for a BBS not-quite-moderation system
category: general [glöplog]
the day you moderate posts is the day Pouet loses its spirite and becomes another boring "forum" like's: ie, dead and lifeless. I don't see trolling as a major issue on Pouet, in fact I'm surprised at how LITTLE trolling occurs in threads where the thread-starter is actually making a "serious" point.
As usual you have the megalomanic power mongers of this world wanting to control everyone and what they say and how they say it. I suggest Scamp uses his own hosting resources to setup a vBulletin where he can ban every other person that disagrees with him :P
As usual you have the megalomanic power mongers of this world wanting to control everyone and what they say and how they say it. I suggest Scamp uses his own hosting resources to setup a vBulletin where he can ban every other person that disagrees with him :P
I agree with draft, mostly.... Unless it's backdraft...
Heh, no seriously.
I'm afraid we'll lose some "colouring" if we allow authors to moderate and control the threads they started.
I don't think we can solve that, so better leave it as it is right now.
Heh, no seriously.
I'm afraid we'll lose some "colouring" if we allow authors to moderate and control the threads they started.
I don't think we can solve that, so better leave it as it is right now.
I suggest Scamp uses his own hosting resources to setup a vBulletin where he can ban every other person that disagrees with him :P
I think he stated that this is not what he wanted to suggest pretty much in the start, but ok :)
Also, vbBlletin :(
shifter: ahh,ok. im a genuine troll i guess...didnt even read what he said!
I have now and he made some good points. however, the only form of moderation should be via some kind of vote system. perhaps have a "remove this post" button beside every single post, or something. Then if the number of votes reach some threashold the post is removed. perhaps the threashold could be based on the number of active people reading the thread, or something.
that wouldnt be a bad idea. but i always dislike the idea of a SINGLE guy dictating what is and isnt said in a thread...even if he created that thread :))
I have now and he made some good points. however, the only form of moderation should be via some kind of vote system. perhaps have a "remove this post" button beside every single post, or something. Then if the number of votes reach some threashold the post is removed. perhaps the threashold could be based on the number of active people reading the thread, or something.
that wouldnt be a bad idea. but i always dislike the idea of a SINGLE guy dictating what is and isnt said in a thread...even if he created that thread :))
Go away.
p01: Having a live preview would be great!
i think scamp's idea is good - the same way it works on nowadays and it's fine.
There's so much that pouët could be and it isn't.
My only "idea" is that the BBS should be private (so that outsiders looking for demos won't get scared).
My only "idea" is that the BBS should be private (so that outsiders looking for demos won't get scared).
Yep, scamps Idea is really practicable.
I would´ve posted some more serious (ontopic) stuff, if there weren´t all these disturbing non-sense and meta-non-sense posts in lots of pouët threads.
works on
I would´ve posted some more serious (ontopic) stuff, if there weren´t all these disturbing non-sense and meta-non-sense posts in lots of pouët threads.
grafxnixdorf: what's so nonsense about my remark?
You're comparing indymedia with pouet for starters. They're basically what Amiga is to pouet -just one platform/belief system/orientation/obsession.
i'm not comparing anything content-wise, i'm simply pointing out the technical side of things on one example. what's so wrong about that? okay, if you don't want any input from my side, i'll shut the fuck up and let scene be scene. pah.
dipswitch: I felt like uplighting your example by mentioning it, because I think its a good example. Of course you can´t compare to pouë That´s out of question.
i agree with scamp, and...
what about a signal-to-noise-ratio supervising each post?
if a post contains too much noise, like the usual bass, foliba,
amigaaa, pr0n, etc etc, hide it, otherwise show it.
it won't be so difficult. it's just a bunch of proper regex...
would be cool to have even a s/n foreach user.
when a user exceed a predefined ratio mark is as a pronstar.
and then again. please modify the [img] bbcode.
i think it *way* better not to show the image itself,
but rather a link to that image (in a popup window maybe)
my 2.71828183 aftermidnight cents
what about a signal-to-noise-ratio supervising each post?
if a post contains too much noise, like the usual bass, foliba,
amigaaa, pr0n, etc etc, hide it, otherwise show it.
it won't be so difficult. it's just a bunch of proper regex...
would be cool to have even a s/n foreach user.
when a user exceed a predefined ratio mark is as a pronstar.
and then again. please modify the [img] bbcode.
i think it *way* better not to show the image itself,
but rather a link to that image (in a popup window maybe)
my 2.71828183 aftermidnight cents
why not just make a list out of all the trolls and beat the shit out of them at breakpoint. and then throw theminto the bonfire.
but yeah, somekind of way to get rid of trolls would be nice.
but yeah, somekind of way to get rid of trolls would be nice.
What about threads started by trolls/idiots that rightfully deserve pouetization?
i'd prefer something like:
"this post has been marked as nsfw by a glöperator. click here to unhide it."
over a thread starter control. anything that the starter thinks unrelated to thread is most probably related to it. that is what always happens in pouet.
and of course an option in account2 to enable/disable that one above.
"this post has been marked as nsfw by a glöperator. click here to unhide it."
over a thread starter control. anything that the starter thinks unrelated to thread is most probably related to it. that is what always happens in pouet.
and of course an option in account2 to enable/disable that one above.
not because i really need this sort of filtering or i post content that needs to be filtered. but i understand people who ask for it.
this warning is obligatory since ad hominem seems to be a common practice among serious discussers here, which is more annoying than troll behaviour in my opinion.
this warning is obligatory since ad hominem seems to be a common practice among serious discussers here, which is more annoying than troll behaviour in my opinion.

Yes, and why stop there?
Why only moderate?
Why not develop a warning system that disables your account after 3 cases of (what the author believes is) trolling?
Seriously... adding author moderation could lead to abuse in the form of persons disliking one another might moderate their replies even if they are valid arguments. I cannot see how moderation isn't just another form of abuse/trolling/pouetization.
Why only moderate?
Why not develop a warning system that disables your account after 3 cases of (what the author believes is) trolling?
Seriously... adding author moderation could lead to abuse in the form of persons disliking one another might moderate their replies even if they are valid arguments. I cannot see how moderation isn't just another form of abuse/trolling/pouetization.
rmeht: If you can find a regexp for recognising porn, you'll be a millionaire.
heh. That second cat rules. If Scamps' system were in place, he'd probably moderate that post down as noise. But then we'd all miss the funny kitty!
I also like the moderateness of Scamp's idea. There's no deleting posts, just tagging them so they're not shown by default. This strange conception that any new idea must be judged by what it could ultimately lead to, if we keep going blindly in the same direction forever, means that nothing can ever change, even if change could be for the better.
ON THE OTHER HAND I agree with Xeron. I would miss the kittens. :(
ON THE OTHER HAND I agree with Xeron. I would miss the kittens. :(
and everybody had one more option in their custom.php, and nobody ever used it ;)
having some kind of signal-to-noise rating near the topic would be quite funny, tho.
having some kind of signal-to-noise rating near the topic would be quite funny, tho.