scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
How letting know?
insert: about
rarefluid: The news hit Slashdot already --
It has been posted on slashdot already.
[quote]Gotta love that Nelly-forum ;)[/url]
People there doesn't seem quite as ignorant as the people on that Timbaland forum, but that's not saying much :)
People there doesn't seem quite as ignorant as the people on that Timbaland forum, but that's not saying much :)
Wow, I rule @ teh bbcode
bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner
sry. didn't notice...
Originally Posted by sayitright View Post
I think this person wishes Tim stole his track.
hehe it would be funny if sumone emailed him that
Hey okkie, guess what!
Can someone photoshop a good Nigga stole my commodore 64?
buddy, he probally asked the man who did and made the beat for permission. try thinking.
It boggles my mind that people still think that Timbaland got permission, he should follow his own advice.
The real crime here is that even if we did make up a primer detailing the whole thing -and why the knee-jerk reactions are invalid- none of those yankee-level posters would have the attention span to finish it.
To the fucktards asking for more proofs there's assemblytv. I'm sure they have video archives ;)
From timbalands fan forum:
That's admission of theft right there.
This isn't the first time Tim started controversy with sampling and won't be the last.
That's admission of theft right there.
Well... no. I'm not a legal or music expert, but at least what he did with the ringtone is much more than sampling.
I'm no musical exert but even to me it sounds FAR from a little "sample". I mean, it's like the song's entire foundation is based on Tempest's original. Hell, it IS Tempest's tune. It's a fucking remix of the tune, with added vocals! :-)) Funny how people have the ability to make themselves blind to facts they do not want to see.

brilliant! ;-)
brilliant! ;-)
next demoparty, there had better be some compo where we combine timbaland with boris vallejo pics.
also, from the thread that started it all:
The analogy of a moustache is killing me -I miss AK :)
also, from the thread that started it all:
I could make a sculpture and put it in my yard for anyone to see, but that doesn't mean anyone can walk by, put it in their yard, add a moustache (I believe this Nelly Furtado song can be adequately described as "a moustache") and say they made it.
The analogy of a moustache is killing me -I miss AK :)
neon: lovely =)
I'm sure if people bothered to read they'd realize that "we" ARE in touch with Janne and know that he never gave permission.
Surely, regardless of whether he wins or loses, it's worth the battle?
If it's costs that are the problem, I'm sure the associated gubbins of Digg, Slashdot etc can put up some capital... That'll get him EUR 10 at least... :)
In all seriousness, I think it's something really worth fighting for, especially considering the things that Universal have done recently regarding the Zune etc - I know it's no their fault, but they do have a share of the responsibility for publishing the track...
If it's costs that are the problem, I'm sure the associated gubbins of Digg, Slashdot etc can put up some capital... That'll get him EUR 10 at least... :)
In all seriousness, I think it's something really worth fighting for, especially considering the things that Universal have done recently regarding the Zune etc - I know it's no their fault, but they do have a share of the responsibility for publishing the track...
who tf is timbaland?
Now I wonder if we can manage to make it featured on the colbert report ;)
A slideshow of boris vallejo pictures with timbaland's music