..and don't forget to come to inérciaDemoparty2006 (26sep-1oct)
category: general [glöplog]
any dutchies going there?
no need to remember coming anymore, this year's edition was my last one as organizer. im through with wasting time for empty computer halls.
people are just not open enough, are they... :)
gargaj: go fuck yourself.
"..and don't even think about coming to inérciaDemoparty2007"
why not trace ? :)
..and don't forget to come to inérciaDemoparty2007 (hopefully on a decent date and place closer to big cities)
..and don't forget to come to inérciaDemoparty2007 (hopefully on a decent date and place closer to big cities)
you can try saying the other sentence, see if it works better ;)
hehe yeah!
right on :)
right on :)
the guy who have photos (and some videos too) is missing in action
that might be because of being late for also giving the prizes too...
that might be because of being late for also giving the prizes too...
O Mario?
Eu queria o video. Passei pelo #gamedev umas quantas vezes à procura dele para pedir-lhe os videos mas nunca o vi lá :(
MadenMann: If you close your eyes and imagine it will look a lot better. Trust me. I was there.
Eu queria o video. Passei pelo #gamedev umas quantas vezes à procura dele para pedir-lhe os videos mas nunca o vi lá :(
MadenMann: If you close your eyes and imagine it will look a lot better. Trust me. I was there.
MadenMann: Demoscene.tv has some pictures ;)[/url]http://demoscene.tv/page.php?id=487&lang=uk&id_news=18[/url]
Looking at that link, reading the whole thread, uh ...
Is there any party report for the interested ones?
(I haven't followed scene that much after between September and December.)
Is there any party report for the interested ones?
(I haven't followed scene that much after between September and December.)
madenmann: here is my report: we had a great hall with great conditions, there were more organizers then attenders present, except for the day when there was open pcs to be used by general audience on a couple of rows and then there were kids playing games and making noise during the competitions.
we had a nice music jam session on the last night, prize status, despite having been missprinted by the other orgas, were delivered. we are still waiting for the prize money they promised us.
we went home and promised never to waste another 4 months of our lives organizing any demoparty ever again.
thanks and apologies to all sceners who bothered attending.
cya at breeze2007 or numérica ou breakpoint.
we had a nice music jam session on the last night, prize status, despite having been missprinted by the other orgas, were delivered. we are still waiting for the prize money they promised us.
we went home and promised never to waste another 4 months of our lives organizing any demoparty ever again.
thanks and apologies to all sceners who bothered attending.
cya at breeze2007 or numérica ou breakpoint.
i wanted to comment on this.
ok go on... :)
i ran out of energy. one day i will tell you.
btw: I WILL GO TO BREEZE!!!!!!! my concert was cancelled, so I'm THERE!!! i have to tell xrl!
btw: I WILL GO TO BREEZE!!!!!!! my concert was cancelled, so I'm THERE!!! i have to tell xrl!
Sorry about the concert :(
Yet Jeenio acomplished the dream of many sceners: I drunk beer direct from the beer dispenser! And we stole thigs! :D MUHAHAHAHA