Scene in southern france ? Alive ?
category: general [glöplog]
I'm also in south of France. some days in Toulouse, some others in Montpellier.
indeed it's pleasant to see some of her pieces in the street :D
No scenners in Brest/Rennes in Britanny afaIk, neither =/. Back in the days there was an Adrenaline crew and Suspect Amiga division in Brest (they even organised a Copy Party) but they are dead. Being here I called one coder 4 years ago, trying to get in touch but I was ignored (or rather I was taken for a retro-crazy-maniac =/ )...
So finally, I sticked up with a bunch of local graffiti dudes and sprayed some walls together here and there...
So finally, I sticked up with a bunch of local graffiti dudes and sprayed some walls together here and there...
vandale! :D
Sim: I go to Bretagne twice a year, does it count? :)
Cotes d'Armor rule!
Cotes d'Armor rule!
there was a nice interview with her in some recent german lifestyle mag...
I so envy the toulouse + south of france graffiti scene :) Even bought that book dedicated to it. The fun part was reading about the artists and groups and how they basically talked like us sceners ;) Anyway I dig the style a lot better than the competition oriented style of the parisian compounds.
I'm in Nantes as well.
I lived around Marseille too, but that was ten years ago. :-)
I lived around Marseille too, but that was ten years ago. :-)
Paris wil be toujours paris
wrong, there is a new Paris.

zest: well... =).
keops: Cotes d'Armor you say... I am living here (till february 2007). if I knew we would have some fresh and COLD Dremmwel or Lancelot here... Lannion, Perros Guirec, Côte de Granit Rose...
_-_-__: Man, you have no idea how some Brest writers are good! I took (as usual) 400Mb of pictures in late december and they simply rock (a biig voodoo theme wall)!
keops: Cotes d'Armor you say... I am living here (till february 2007). if I knew we would have some fresh and COLD Dremmwel or Lancelot here... Lannion, Perros Guirec, Côte de Granit Rose...
_-_-__: Man, you have no idea how some Brest writers are good! I took (as usual) 400Mb of pictures in late december and they simply rock (a biig voodoo theme wall)!
Sim: I live in Canada at the moment but I was in Bretagne for a few days in December :)
Damn keops, we could make a great 1944 joke if that was Normandie.
sim anything online from the brest scene? :)
there used to be a scene in normandy on atari ( Abstract - Megabusters and hydroxid members )
keops: well... maybe next time when you happen be to paris .?..
_-_-__: I have lost the email contact with some boys 2 years ago so I do not have any WWW for now...
I have many pix in my collection (althou a bunch of them have been lost in 2 crash-fokken-discs =/), but have not put it online. The truth is I have no much time and idea which server to use for it ( maybe?). But I am open to share.
_-_-__: I have lost the email contact with some boys 2 years ago so I do not have any WWW for now...
I have many pix in my collection (althou a bunch of them have been lost in 2 crash-fokken-discs =/), but have not put it online. The truth is I have no much time and idea which server to use for it ( maybe?). But I am open to share.
I'm in the south of France too, In La Londe near Toulon and Marseille. Kohai and Acet1 are in Marseille too.
Welll... Bretagne is near Normandie. But it's not in december. It should be July.
I was in normandy for 1997-2000 for all what matters ;)