The 64 MB limit at BP07
category: general [glöplog]
seems perfectly fine to me too :) if .. a bit extreme for one single line in a compo rule document
I demand movies of demos because I bought this laptop in September 2003 and the nVidia graphics card is only capable of Pixel Shaders 1.4. Add to that that it's a laptop, and you've got various parts that aren't of the highest quality and you've got a computer that's slower than comparable Pentium 4s.
Needless to say, the times have moved but my wallet hasn't. The laptop is sufficient for everything except an ever-increasing number of demos.
Needless to say, the times have moved but my wallet hasn't. The laptop is sufficient for everything except an ever-increasing number of demos.
crusader: nice try, but there's NO nvidia card which is at ps1.4 level because 1.4 was an ATI only version.
Please improve your trolling skills before participating in this thread again, thank you.

Please improve your trolling skills before participating in this thread again, thank you.
still, if we are allowed to be offtopic, let me just the first one to say that laptops are annoying by not being upgradeable.
Talking "there was not such things on Amiga", I mean the times when there exactly wasn't such things. The time before PPC-accelerators, 3D-cards and stuff. The time when I run Mystic's, Artwork's, TBL's, Essence's, Nerve Axis's demos with no problem on my Amiga. So, Gloom, if you are brain-trolled enough, you can imagine that I mean something else (what I do not mean at all) and laugh about your fantasy for your pleasure as long as you want. But do it in clinic better.
putting the general reatrdness of this thread and most of its contributors aside, there's one thing I'd really like to know:
is that a promise? because I'd really like to see that kind of a demo beating the competition at bp (let alone passing the preselection). talk is cheap, do it and prove you're right, and we'll all bow down and shut up (unlikely but still)...
Well, we'll pack a video in 63.5 Mb. The rest 0.5 Mb we'll fill with a player code and some 4k-intro-like effects. It would be cool, you'll see...
added on the 2007-01-01 by Manwe
is that a promise? because I'd really like to see that kind of a demo beating the competition at bp (let alone passing the preselection). talk is cheap, do it and prove you're right, and we'll all bow down and shut up (unlikely but still)...
Bhead, we already working on it, but you, of course, know what people will say about it. They already said here.
so it's a promise then? should I start saving for a bp trip to experience crappy realtime animations squashed to bits by your glorious h243 (or whatever it's called) multimedia content on big screen?..
Bhead, I'll demonstrate it to you before the party, so you should start saving just for trolleybus ticket :)
knos: i don't at all mind laptops not being upgradable. true, it sucks for demos, but finally the laptop era has allowed me to totally forget about hardware. i buy a box in "media markt" open it, and everything works immediately. just like with my tv, dvd player and lightweight travelling iron. handy!
didnt we establish about 15 pages ago that size limit does not equate to hardware requirements? :)
skrebbel .. well it's just I don't want to have to buy a laptop every 3 years. I try to keep my computers around 10 years..
64Mb video please !
On one hand:
- (Console-)Games ARE limited by size,etc. For once there is limits to the amount of memory,etc. In games you also have to contain alot of other information like collision meshes, Sound-fx, unseen parts of levels,etc.
- .. And in those games you usually also have to load the data from a dvd or whatever that's usually alot slower than loading from a HD. WITHIN a certain time (loadingscreens shouldn't last more than 10 secs normally, i dare everyone to find me one that takes more than 30 secs in-game in a top-title for a console).
- Game artists has to cut helluva more than we do usually.
- Cause of the above, it's almost irresponsible for game-makers not to pack data on disk in many cases (as long as it's worth it ofcourse).
- 640k should be enough for everyone! ;)
On the other hand:
- We don't get paid or are able to spend the same amount of manpower on demos.
As a notice without pro or con, alot of cheaper or ultraportable laptops today still only has ps/vs 1.x (intel integrated boh). Saying that a 2-3 year old GAMING rig still can run current demos/intros is a kinda moot point imho.
I'd say. put the sizelimit at 1/3 of the filesize a decent quality 5 minute divX democapture has.
- (Console-)Games ARE limited by size,etc. For once there is limits to the amount of memory,etc. In games you also have to contain alot of other information like collision meshes, Sound-fx, unseen parts of levels,etc.
- .. And in those games you usually also have to load the data from a dvd or whatever that's usually alot slower than loading from a HD. WITHIN a certain time (loadingscreens shouldn't last more than 10 secs normally, i dare everyone to find me one that takes more than 30 secs in-game in a top-title for a console).
- Game artists has to cut helluva more than we do usually.
- Cause of the above, it's almost irresponsible for game-makers not to pack data on disk in many cases (as long as it's worth it ofcourse).
- 640k should be enough for everyone! ;)
On the other hand:
- We don't get paid or are able to spend the same amount of manpower on demos.
As a notice without pro or con, alot of cheaper or ultraportable laptops today still only has ps/vs 1.x (intel integrated boh). Saying that a 2-3 year old GAMING rig still can run current demos/intros is a kinda moot point imho.
I'd say. put the sizelimit at 1/3 of the filesize a decent quality 5 minute divX democapture has.
I'd say. put the sizelimit at 1/3 of the filesize a decent quality 5 minute divX democapture has.
whizzter: You mean, 3 years from now?
put the sizelimit at 1/3 of the filesize a decent quality 5 minute divX democapture has.
like ~64mb ?
This thread is like Groundhog Day..
Except for this thread is actually funny ;)
okkie: Not at all. See, Bill Murray tried to get out of it, but he couldn't. He even tried killing himself, but even that didn't help. Have you tried killing yourself?
okkie: More like Dog Day Afternoon, minus the gay guys (or, what do I know.. :)
my first impression was Eraserhead.