
The 5th Annual Scene Awards

category: general [glöplog]
we would have the right to do so if we indeed wished to pursue it. it's a name that reveals the purpose of the event. it's completly fair use imo.

howhever i do also prefer a non generalistic name, and from the looks of things, to avoid controversy we will most probably change it back to scene.org awards. the poll melwyn set up seems to be pointing into that direction aswell.

we prefer jury voting couz public voting is pure evil.

the way you revealed your concearn howhever was far from polite. you just assumed we're all children of satan stealing and plundering your property. an email explaining your point would have been equally read and treated with same concearn. -_-
added on the 2007-01-05 12:20:00 by psenough psenough
xeNusion: jesus man, how are you actually able to walk outside in the real world, if you're comparing the scene.org awards jury with a mafia?

I know that the jury is NOT the same every year, and even though the production that wins a given category does not match YOUR personal number one I would fore sure say that the group of nominees usually holds the prod you love most.

Last but not least - what the FUCK would anyone "get" if they conspired and voted for some certain productions to win the scene.org awards?... oh yeah.. I forgot... they would of course recieve vast amounts of prizemoney from the respective sceners...

added on the 2007-01-05 12:23:20 by Puryx Puryx
what nordic fanclub? did you even read the fucking list of juries from last years events? blargh, the more one tries to be fair and globally open the more one gets scorned.

considering public charts more representative than jury, thats truly a joke. but that grows into an academic discussion.
added on the 2007-01-05 12:25:11 by psenough psenough
i'd really really love to hear what prods the people moaning about the scene.org awards feel should have been nominated but werent - whenever i hear this list it usually comes down to:

- some oldschool demos (which the awards staff responded to and made an effort to include a lot better, with oldschool category and well-respected oldschool platform sceners on the jury)
- something of the personal taste of one person. it's always going to be a majority vote. and besides that there are categories which try and include even the really extreme and strange stuff with "most original concept" etc. and by the way, ps has the weirdest taste of all, and he was head of the jury last year! :D
- "boo hoo hoo, my prod / my friend's prod wasnt nominated" - maybe it just sucks ass? or maybe there were 5 better prods in the category?
- and finally, yea, maybe the odd thing _does_ slip through the net. there have been a few prods over the years i can think of that missed out on a nomination when they really shouldnt. but that's always going to happen, and it isnt _that_ regular an occurance.

so come on - lets hear the list of prods from last year that werent nominated but should have been - im dying to hear it.

(and by the way - nordic fanclub? don't tell the jury asd is from greece, plastic is from poland, exceed from hungary, cyberpunks unity from russia, calodox from france/swizerland.. they might have to be more careful on checking the countries of the nominees next year if they're going to weed out the non-nordics)

the jury is chosen to make sure that as many countries and platforms are represented as possible to make sure even stuff that isnt spread much outside the local/platform scene still gets a chance. the jury is also selected to have people who are experienced+respected demosceners who know what they are looking at, from a variety of disciplines.
and hey, maybe it isnt right to claim to be representative of the whole scene. but it is run by the largest demoscene archive and presented with the support of the largest crossplatform scene party, so it's at least in the right direction.

if there are areas where the jury could improve, they're surely dying to hear about it. but if your comments are just dull trolling with no substance, how about a little stfu?
added on the 2007-01-05 12:36:18 by smash smash
... an interesting academic discussion nonetheless, but yeah, in terms of fairness/objectivity jury voting is much better (provided the jury consists of members not too connected to each other).
added on the 2007-01-05 12:37:16 by kb_ kb_
smash: no kelvin / outtracks should have been nominated for best music for example. but those damn nordic fanclub hippies didnt allow for it.
added on the 2007-01-05 12:40:55 by psenough psenough
A little less drama indeed would suit this thread well.
added on the 2007-01-05 12:40:59 by scamp scamp
(And I also prefer the "scene.org Awards" name, btw)
added on the 2007-01-05 12:41:35 by scamp scamp
is it international 'Complain about Everything' week or something?
added on the 2007-01-05 12:41:42 by okkie okkie
okkie: we're probably all struggling to get into the mindset of "work" after christmas so are devoting too muchtime to pouet, i dunno. :)
added on the 2007-01-05 12:42:54 by smash smash
As a norwegian demoscener I can for sure state that there is no nordic conspiracy to get nordic demos into the awards .. and if people just looked at the damn list of nominees they'd see that pretty clearly, unless they are blind, paranoid or a combination of the two. :)

added on the 2007-01-05 12:48:22 by gloom gloom
seems like the drama helped alot to get the discussion running.

beside of this... dear smash we both allready had the discussion about scene.org awards last year and i punted out my opinion clearly enough.
you can check some old posting if you want.

just like i said im fine as long as the name stays like it was before.
added on the 2007-01-05 12:54:52 by xeNusion xeNusion
just roll back to "scene.org Awards"
drink a beer
added on the 2007-01-05 12:56:13 by EviL EviL
IMHO it's a good thing to question the change of name, as the new name does not really reflect the use of a jury. The name and the institutionalizing of the "scene" that follows from it aside, I'm positive that the jury is doing a good job with the best of intentions. My only complaint about the cermony itself is the choice of suit. ;)
added on the 2007-01-05 12:57:20 by Archmage Archmage
netpoet's suit was cool!
added on the 2007-01-05 12:58:09 by smash smash
Smash: might I suggest an additional poll on that one? Or perhaps we'll better leave it for the Nordic mafia-jury to decide. I have connections there, you know. ;)
added on the 2007-01-05 13:03:38 by Archmage Archmage
Hah. This is pathetic. So they can't be the "scene awards", that mean I can't be the "scene messiah" anymore?
added on the 2007-01-05 13:12:42 by doomdoom doomdoom
"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy."
added on the 2007-01-05 13:17:25 by Archmage Archmage
Would it improve your coding if I called you the "scene messiah"? ;)
added on the 2007-01-05 13:17:30 by Puryx Puryx
"People say I have a Messiah complex, but I forgive them"

- Cex
added on the 2007-01-05 13:25:25 by okkie okkie
luckily they have called the whole thing now "scene award" instead of scene.org award so theyre officially leading us now and will tell us what stuff is cool and what not...

they began doing that by naming their site to scene.org btw. a much better choice would be "somescenerelatedstuffnotnecessarilyofficiallyrepresentingtherealscene.org" of course.
they have a bug that splits special markup characters also.
i love it how xenusion decided to totally ignore melwyn's post just in order to keep on flaming. if you'd really be "fine as long as they change their name" you'd have shut up or said "ok!" after melwyn's post.

xenusion, you're a negative and stuck-up fucktard.
added on the 2007-01-05 13:54:21 by skrebbel skrebbel
who's up for a spin-off called 'Scene Idols'? :D
added on the 2007-01-05 13:56:18 by el mal el mal
ps > so i asked melwyn but jury selection is done for this year
