Fuckings to...
category: general [glöplog]
fuckings to ppl who post offtopic (ie. goddamned xmas card camels)
fuckings to sms you wait more than anything else to actually get some kind of reply you want to believe to which in fact you dont get so you're like still thinking about the thing you did wrong.
fuckings to mobile phones you write sms with that you think have sent the fucking sms you wrote which in fact you dont have any proof about the reception since you dont have the recipient phone beside you.
fuckings to recipients phones which are not beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are not beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are you.
fuckings to who are you.
fuckings to who.
fuckings to you.
fuckings to mobile phones you write sms with that you think have sent the fucking sms you wrote which in fact you dont have any proof about the reception since you dont have the recipient phone beside you.
fuckings to recipients phones which are not beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are not beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are beside you.
fuckings to recipients who are you.
fuckings to who are you.
fuckings to who.
fuckings to you.
Fuckings to all gays and blacks
fuckings to tmb with viel scharf ;)
fuckings to metalvotze.
happy new year!
happy new year!
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Fuckings to not being able to find my car keys
and of course...
fuckings to lord helmet of spaceballs, you know why.
fuckings to lord helmet of spaceballs, you know why.
fuckings to smash^flt for being sick all over the cooker at my xmas party!
fuckings to winter, because its always dark when leave home or come home
as always, fuckings to lamers!
fuckings to ROD STEWART
Fuckings to fucking fucks.
Fuckings to whoever wrote "Keygens are arguably part of the Demoscene as those programming them are often found associated with the Demoscene or what is left of it" on Wikipedia
fuckings to demoscene or what is left of it.
Someone has already "updated" Keygens to remove the Demo Scene comment ;)
Fuckings to that new useless cock superman!
Fuckings to that new useless cock superman!
fuckings to the european sceners who think their shit doesn't stink.
fuckings to the idiot who invented the term fuckings.. and all the idiots who still use it.. like me.. so fuckings to myself
fuckings to the idiot who invented the term fuckings.. and all the idiots who still use it.. like me.. so fuckings to myself
Fuckings to Scarab World Domination \o/
fuckings to pornstars !
Fuckings to having christmas in summer!
fuckings to people shouting "LOL PRECALC" on demo parties
Fuckings to people using "LOL"
fuckings to all predictable tossers on the net