What you want for christmas?
category: general [glöplog]
I also want a plane ticket to Breakpoint. But my country doesn't want to turn me into a killing machine ;)
i want first group to release christmas demo this year to die painfully
some free time to finish my demo
If you buy an Xbox outside the US, no money will go directly to the US as the distributors have already been paid.
If a lot of people in Europe buy Xboxes, then maybe Microsoft will produce more Xboxes and sell them to the European distributors in order to satisfy the demand - and then the US economy willl profit. Only then.
Don't be a fucking idiot, of course the money doesn't go directly to them, but if someone buys xbox here the retailer will buy one more (than it already would) xbox from the importer, who will buy one more from the Microsoft etc. If noone would buy any u.s. products here (in europe), none would be imported, and thus less money would be available to u.s. military budget.
I personally won't put a cent of my money into u.s. products as long as they keep trying to dominate the world.
4kum4: That article is from November 2005, it's unlikely that MS is making losses like that with every X360 sold anymore.
i want some cool graphic design related books. any suggestions?
FREAX is pretty cool even if its made by tomcat and im not starring in it :(
tribão: i am aware that this article is over a year old, but i still expect there profit selling the boxes near to zero.
i gots freax book .. but i think i was talking real life graphic design. not stupdi scene vallejo copies which tomcat book is full of ;)
i mean i hope i understood right that alien was talking to me or not uh oh ?
A Wii
fuck everything else.
fuck everything else.
All I want for christmas is a day off. :(
good eat and good vin assortiment
apparently some of my stuff is in freax, so i sent a mail to the publisher... no response so far, except a couple of spam emails about other books... quite disappointing to say the least... :-(
unseen: buro destruct made some really nice books.
mnemonix suuure but they're out of print?
I want a BMW M3 and a Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh.
With MacOS 8.6.
With MacOS 8.6.
rainmaker must be a terrorist :-)
I personally won't put a cent of my money into u.s. products as long as they keep trying to dominate the world.
What kind of processor sits inside your computer?
Maybe rainmaker has one of those new Iranian-made processors. I think it's called an Infadel Core-Duo. lol
Made in Japan? ;)