about the Wii ?
category: general [glöplog]
yeah GlovePIE does support 4 wiimotes now :)
orbiter: seriously it would be cool to see in demoparties a new kind of compo that uses wiimote interactivity without being necessarily put into game compo :)
How about motion capture using 4 wiimotes and copious amounts of duct tape? :)
GlovePIE sucks ass!
Read why here
Read why here
LiraNuna: You may not read this comment in Israel!
Anyways how about the technical side of it... any good?
Anyways how about the technical side of it... any good?
no shaders= not worth making demos on.
LiraNuna: why should software world be apolitical ? linux is kinda political and it's good. If glovepie author is antimilitarist and against occupation by israel, it's its total right to back his opinions and use his talent to expose them.
besides he was apparently smart enough to put no .il timezone or keyboard check, he just want to provoke to make people think.
besides he was apparently smart enough to put no .il timezone or keyboard check, he just want to provoke to make people think.
Actually.. If I was a bartender, I would not be allowed to refuse to serve this or that person because of their origins.
And I don't believe the idea that his not charging for his software makes much of a difference here, he's doing unfair discrimination here. Unfair, because one does not choose were you are born, what your nationality is, or where you live (to some extent).
If at least he would have worded it in such a way as to say that his software should not be used as part of a military or similar operation.
And I don't believe the idea that his not charging for his software makes much of a difference here, he's doing unfair discrimination here. Unfair, because one does not choose were you are born, what your nationality is, or where you live (to some extent).
If at least he would have worded it in such a way as to say that his software should not be used as part of a military or similar operation.
.. or by civil people who does not show civil act to prevent wars.
Just to clear things up: the Wii can do per-pixel-lighting. 'shader' is a DirectX term so if it isn't mentioned in specs then it doesn't mean that per-pixel-lighting isn't possible. The Wii's 'shading capabilities' are comparable to DirectX 8 level hardware. You can have up to eight texture samplers (as opposed to four with pixelshader 1.1) and you can use color-combiner operations inbetween texture-stages. So yes, per-pixel specular bumpmapping is perfectly possible and then you still have a couple of operations and samplers left.
shaders != per-pixel specular bumpmapping... with shaders you can do whatever you want per pixel and per vertex. it's not fixed.
... still waiting to get my hands on wii. i don't care if it has almost the same tech level than gamecube, it's gameplay what matters.
... still waiting to get my hands on wii. i don't care if it has almost the same tech level than gamecube, it's gameplay what matters.
Then I declare all of my software under this following license:
"Should not be used while humans are occupying earth. Humans destroy Gia with their breath"
"Should not be used while humans are occupying earth. Humans destroy Gia with their breath"
Yeah! No shaders, no demo: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16376
It's amazing how much people can extract out of the the information that Nintendo and ATI published about the GPU -just about next to nothing :)
Do you have any more information about that? I've read some hands-on reports of people who used the SDK, and it would appear each was talking about a completely different piece of hardware.
If you're talking about unified shaders, maybe.
And it's been said already: the most innovative portion of the Wii is the interaction, which is about the last thing on a demomaker's mind.
The Wii's 'shading capabilities' are comparable to DirectX 8 level hardware.
Do you have any more information about that? I've read some hands-on reports of people who used the SDK, and it would appear each was talking about a completely different piece of hardware.
with shaders you can do whatever you want per pixel and per vertex. it's not fixed.
If you're talking about unified shaders, maybe.
And it's been said already: the most innovative portion of the Wii is the interaction, which is about the last thing on a demomaker's mind.
for coders who would like to code a game or an 'interactive demo' that uses the wonderful wiimote (come on, all girls like the wii!), go to http://www.wiili.org/index.php/Wiimote_driver, there are now several input libraries for various OS :)


orbiter: seriously it would be cool to see in demoparties a new kind of compo that uses wiimote interactivity without being necessarily put into game compo :)
I think an ps2-eyetoy would be better suited... pointing the camera at the audience and generating better effects the more people jump
it reminds me of those crazy danes playing bomberman with colored caps and a 360° cam : http://www.youtube.com/share?v=49rDCWO-ui8 :)
it reminds me of those crazy danes playing bomberman with colored caps and a 360° cam : http://www.youtube.com/share?v=49rDCWO-ui8 :)
Yay! Code running on wii :)
still requiring a modchip, yeah!
bbcode doesn't work on humans
bbcode doesn't work on humans
i can only repeat myself
I guess I should have watch the video before :p I'm a little late in the game
look here for a description of gameCube/wii "shader" hardware: