Best 2d gfx in demos?
category: general [glöplog]
Have some updating to do. Which post millenium-demos feature the best 2d logos or pictures?
i'd say (being a bit biased though) come clean and track one, logos from destop and kenet and 2d gfx by mazor. =)
also, erm, the plastic demos where xenusion did 2d.
also, erm, the plastic demos where xenusion did 2d.
fairlight demos comes to my mind of course. come clean and track one. tbl stuff ... but my favourite is SUPERJAM SUPERHEROES... too bad ak left scene. and i guess there are some others what i dont remember atm
TEH FUTARE SI NOW!!!!!!!, definitely.
sadly is 2d gfx in demos a dying art, nowadays :(. If I think back I think back on peachy, j.o.e., rack, tod, fadeone,fairfax, ra ,cyclone (still wish he would do again another gfx;) )
But still there are xenusion, Kenet, alien^pdx, raynoa and lynx. But today 3D is needed more and more :/
But still there are xenusion, Kenet, alien^pdx, raynoa and lynx. But today 3D is needed more and more :/
i would say it's quite the opposite
since there seems to be impossible to find a decent 3d artist on the scene, that isnt occupied with other stuff or with shitloads of work in gamedev.
i know shitloads of good 2d graphicians, but almost no 3d graphician.
since there seems to be impossible to find a decent 3d artist on the scene, that isnt occupied with other stuff or with shitloads of work in gamedev.
i know shitloads of good 2d graphicians, but almost no 3d graphician.
the tbl amiga demos tend to keep up to the tradition!
There certainly _should_ be much more 2d. I quite like the way the superb 2dgfx is integrated with effects in this one:
And btw, I SUCK at BB code.
nobody breakpoint 06 invite yet?
sorry, i visited ikea today, think might lost a word or two.
All the Kefrens demo,definitely.