Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Do these guys look retarded, or what?
meth does wonders to non-retardedness
Correction: I believe it's called retardation, not retardedness.
yeah, but then again there's no such word as non-retardation either
oh wait, there is. damn yous!
This is/was my bike:
It happend at about 15-20 km/h when the front wheel came to a full stop at once. I hit the ground hands first then with my face...
This is why I have time to make so many new DOSBox videos currently :-/
It happend at about 15-20 km/h when the front wheel came to a full stop at once. I hit the ground hands first then with my face...
This is why I have time to make so many new DOSBox videos currently :-/
rarefluid: That happened to my bike too once. Cause I was drunk o_O. Ran it straight into a lamp post. The front wheel was completely destroyed but I just hurt my precious real bad on the handlebars. It was sort of weird cause like two inches to either side and my head would've hit the post instead. I'd be $deadbeef. ONOZ! /o\
I suppose there might be some lesson here about this DUI stuff. And the lesson is: cars have airbags, bicycles do not.
I suppose there might be some lesson here about this DUI stuff. And the lesson is: cars have airbags, bicycles do not.
I'll try to keep that in mind... ;-)
they are getting better and better..
dude, i'm buying wii now
lol waffle
he's dancing to venetian snare's "hand throw"!!1
waffle: best. wii joke. ever.
best. wii joke. ever.