
The Biggest Amiga Games Collection!!!

category: general [glöplog]
Hi, I was looking on the net for Amiga Games, well I found a torrent that contains 26 000 amiga roms, and it's 13.5gb (unzipped over more then 17gb!). Since the most people out here are AMIGA fans I decied to share the torrent file with you guys. You have to sign on at the tracker site but its worth anyway just click on this link below (and it isnt SPAM or something like that!)

added on the 2006-11-26 12:07:06 by parse43 parse43
Guess that's just the TOSEC collection.
added on the 2006-11-26 12:26:35 by StingRay StingRay
No, I downloaded it some weeks ago, it has almost ALL amiga roms. Like the one you see at amigalemon.
added on the 2006-11-26 12:39:25 by parse43 parse43
That still sounds exactly like the TOSEC collection.
added on the 2006-11-26 12:43:18 by StingRay StingRay
join and download 3 gigs of whdload prepared games and demos - less of a hassle than disk images, but then again it's not 26 k games!
added on the 2006-11-26 13:13:34 by linde linde
both torrents are pw protected :)
lamers :P
added on the 2006-11-26 13:55:21 by elkmoose elkmoose
amiga roms ;) hahaha how about disk-images?
added on the 2006-11-26 14:45:41 by uns3en_ uns3en_
As I said, sign up on the tracker:


Then use the shearch option and look for "Amiga Roms"

No TOSEC shit, only roms image's, some with trainers etc etc.
added on the 2006-11-26 15:02:21 by parse43 parse43
Unless they rename it to disk images I won't tuch the stuff.
added on the 2006-11-26 15:21:56 by El Topo El Topo
Here is a list of the images:

added on the 2006-11-26 16:06:27 by parse43 parse43
