
Solaris - 8th at Kindergarten, aka What was the demoscene again?

category: general [glöplog]
Truck: okay. Wait a minute. :)
added on the 2006-11-13 22:15:43 by Axel Axel
hey!! What the fuck are you talking about??? The organisers did an excelent job!
Again.. it's not about the party. Read before writting anything please.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:21:04 by mrdoob mrdoob
Don't you appreciate software demos anymore you nitwits..? slow code somewhere yeah, but hell of alot of fun while making this: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=27072
trace: please excuse me for not wanting to watch again a 100% asm coded dutch color scheme compliant panamerican demo. its ugly, i dont like it. i respect the result, i welcome duffman into the scene with open arms, i wouldnt watch the prod again, it's ugly. i base my thumbs on if i would watch it again or not, not friendship or newbhype. why the hell am i always killing the scene whenever i have an opinion on a prod? i already apologized 500 times about euskal, im against friendvoting, im against voting period, they needed the money i voted for them, im sorry if i killed the scene by trying to give partycompo money to sceners who need it to attend another party, write rules where it is forbiden and i shall abid them, IF I WOULD EVER VOTE AGAIN AT A FUCKING PARTY WHICH I HADNT DONE FOR AGES AND AINT PLANNING DOING AGAIN. get the stick out of your ass, the world isnt perfect, the scene isnt utopia, live with it.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:22:49 by psenough psenough
or this for you lazy ones:
Truck: LOL
added on the 2006-11-13 22:24:40 by ham ham
trace: all of a sudden im this fucking night of scene virtuosity. what the fuck did i ever do to make you believe that? im a person, i have own opinions and beliefs and i make mistakes just like everyone else. why the fuck does my opinion have matter to anyone let alone a new hardcore panamerican coder geek who prolly thinks im an artyfaggot cunt to begin with?

and another thing you said, about what mattering the parties or the prods. the parties matter alot more. not for the alcohol, for the socializing. prods are the outcome, the dick measuring. the fun is in the socializing. so yeh, parties matter more then prods.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:29:46 by psenough psenough
ps: I wasn't saying anything about Euskal, I was just giving Euskal as an example of a party that was caring about the results. If you feel I'm attacking there I think isn't my problem.

By the way, I wouldn't give a thumb down to a prod that I'm not going to watch more than once, if It was like that I would have to thumb down 90% of the whole database. If I don't like a demo I try not to say so, or even not to thumb it down (there are exceptions of course), but atleast I try to be constructive on my comments. But hey, I respect your way of rating the prods.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:37:18 by mrdoob mrdoob
ps: Parties matter more than prods? Well, I don't think so. A party without prods doesn't really feel like a party. However, a prod not released in a party still feel like a prod. I don't think I'm making this point clear but.. whatever.

Also, boozing in a party. I respect that, I've done it, but I won't let it fuck up the results.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:42:10 by mrdoob mrdoob
So the advice is "drink with responsibility".
added on the 2006-11-13 22:45:33 by ham ham
amen to that
added on the 2006-11-13 22:52:48 by leijaa leijaa
trace: you take pouet thumbing too seriously for what it actually is. and expect way too much from sceners then they're willing to give (e.g. beeing sober at 5am and voting unbiasedly)

results were born to be fucked up, we're measuring dicks by making art ffs, how much more fucked up and completly friendvote biased could it get? they'll always be fucked up, it's only a matter of _how_ fucked up and _for who_.
added on the 2006-11-13 22:54:31 by psenough psenough
perhaps brainstorm's demo was released on the wrong party, or in the right party, with the right people but without a serious mood inside.
added on the 2006-11-13 23:10:11 by JaK JaK
i'm thumbing that crap demo down just for this thread
added on the 2006-11-13 23:11:24 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: you have a point.
here's my random two pence:
BB Image
added on the 2006-11-14 00:31:47 by jaw jaw
At least when mfx was uncool and not understood they had the dignity to just say "oh well, moral winner!" shrug, open another beer and leave it at that.

These kids don't need you to save them Trace.

added on the 2006-11-14 00:44:29 by Shifter Shifter
Demoparty results mean nothing, it's time which separates the winners from the losers. Just look at the demos of a few year ago which are still popular today and notice how a lot of them didn't win the party.
added on the 2006-11-14 00:58:49 by sparcus sparcus
How can this thread be five fucking pages from the time I left work till I'm going to bed? Slow news day?

Trace: Life is unfair, cry me a river. And besides, you're still missing the point.
The experience one gets from a demo is subjective. You can't measure a demo's "quality", because there are no objective standards for what a "good demo" is. If you make up a jury, their judgment will still be the sum of their subjective experiences.
In practice, this will mean that the jury's decisions most likely will be in line with the taste of the ones who picked the jury. A jury consisting of people you picked out would have a whole other ranking than a jury compiled by Nosfe (as a random example of someone who I believe to have a different taste in demos than you). And none of them would be objectively "right", "true" or "correct" in any way.

If you need some sort of proof of what I'm saying, read the comment section for the demo in question again and read this thread again. You will find that people have different opinions than you of what makes a demo, a party and the demoscene enjoyable (or "good"). And none of us is objectively "right", "true" or "correct" in any way.
added on the 2006-11-14 01:45:09 by lug00ber lug00ber
Hyde: most of the prizes were donated by our happy visitors, the porn donating person might want to stay anonymous - so I'll let him come out of the closet himself.

The ubercool VHS movies were donated by yours truely ;) And NO! they were not porn. They were Redemption/Sexploration & HQ Kungfu entertainment.
Horror & boobs! Kung Fu & Boobs. It dont get betta than that nigguz.
Cant remember them all,but I think Proteque won the sexy Kung Fu movie ESCAPE FROM BROTHEL
And DDT the exciting HK action classic [url=http://imdb.com/title/tt0099378]LETHAL PANTHER[/url
DTT: there is actually a sequel to thist :)

oh btw; major fuckings to whoever destroyed one of the latches on the power-converter we rented for KG - i got a serious smacking-around when i returned it this morning, something i really didn't appreciate very much. i just thought i'd toss that in at the end. :)

AWH! FAKK! Was that me? I remember Lugoober shouting at me coz I sat down abit too harsh in a chair infron of the
control center and some cabels and stuff almost got broken. But I dont think any damage happened, except to my feelings. (buu-huu!)
But I hope this had nothing to do with the damage you talked about GLOOM.

Back to the topic. I allways try to vote most fair, and usually I spend alot of time during the first compos of a party writing down
words for each entry so I remember who to vote for....but for some strange reason the last compos allway get too blury and I loose control. So usually I never make the voting deadline.
But I must admit I do vote somewhat unfair,I usually selfvote, and for friends. But usually I give the 1st & 2nd place to the ones that I think is
best, and give 3-5th place to friends productions(if they are not qualified for top 2 that is).

When it comes to Pouet voting. I think some people use the THUMB DOWN abit carelessly...PIGGY should be used in more cases.
added on the 2006-11-14 02:06:40 by tFt tFt
faaahhk...there really should be a PREVIEW on the pouet board. Uneducated bums like me allways fuck up the BB code and use "usually" to much....aw well....got to sleep airhead.
added on the 2006-11-14 02:11:51 by tFt tFt
Was that me?

No. You damaged nothing, and the power converter was standing three meters behind the table you were oh so carelessly rocking :)
added on the 2006-11-14 02:12:13 by lug00ber lug00ber
trace... trace .. dude :( DUUUDE.. ... DUUUUUUUUUDE!! next time when you are away couple of weeks from scene and get mad fights with your loved one or something don't open topics at pouet.net .. plz. i have still respect your but results are tough titties.. you can't always win :)
added on the 2006-11-14 07:39:53 by uns3en_ uns3en_
you.. and

yea what shifter said. duffman isnt here crying "omg my first demo didnt came first" its just first demo and he keeps coding. i wasnt really too impresssed of it but i think it shows promise and he is from NORTH AMERICA (the land of home and free and not demos) so i hope he keeps coding etc. cool yea cool so uuh..
added on the 2006-11-14 07:41:33 by uns3en_ uns3en_
