what is this ? http://intel.de/demoscene/
category: general [glöplog]
It totally misses Stravaganza. All the rest has been said.
Looking a year back what's been popular on pouet, the compo missed a few groups more than those mentioned: Kewlers, Traction and Synesthetics. And those who think they know that mfx==kewlers... Well, it's not :)
pouet popularity != actual quality ;)
oooh! what happend to modesty people!!! :)
pouet popularity != actual quality ;)
Ok so what about party rankings? :)
I think one of those (pouet or democompo rank) is better than an opinion of one man (the one that decided which groups are in and which ones are out).
rainmaker: or maybe last year's scene.org awards or something would have been a good basis.
it's true though. not all of the 5 groups have been that active recently.
it's true though. not all of the 5 groups have been that active recently.
teh stravaganza-boys are in tokyo.. they prolly dont have time for secret elitist commercial democompos!!! :)
and it misses matureFurk
Future Crew too.
How come no one mentioned Jumalauta yet?
because they would have won compo .. automatically
considering the number of voters, very likely yeah :D
btw, fairlight took the lead :)
actually, who in their right mind would want to "FLOP" *any* of the productions. Do you realise how strong the word "FLOP" is ?
It is for a world of black and white, allies & terrorists, capitalistic pigs & anarchists.
Yeah, go on flop our demos...
It is for a world of black and white, allies & terrorists, capitalistic pigs & anarchists.
Yeah, go on flop our demos...
Navis: ours kinda feels like a flop, imho :)
I think it rocks, as I said in that email. I am getting to the website now I see that somebody has "defaced" it...haha
hey wtf we dropped 4 pixels since this morning how the hell. Optimus you fucker are you playing games with your netcafe army friends
hey wtf we dropped 4 pixels since this morning how the hell. Optimus you fucker are you playing games with your netcafe army friends
Maybe Im slow, maybe its flash I dont know but will someone just tell me the link where I can vote...Ive been round that website about 6 times without success.
Forget it, I was looking for somehting dumb like ... Vote Here...found the link now
btw i don't want to sound bitchy but this compo is supported by intel to promote their dual core cpu, is there actually any of the competiting demos that takes advantage of multithreading ? :>
navis: woooo, we're neck and neck :) should be a pretty close call.
Optimus you fucker are you playing games with your netcafe army friends
So, should Optimus be on a netcafe with his friends voting for the ASD demo? Is it like a fulltime job? How much do you pay Navis?
btw i don't want to sound bitchy but this compo is supported by intel to promote their dual core cpu, is there actually any of the competiting demos that takes advantage of multithreading ? :>
since when do commercials have to be true? :)
I pay him in class-A drugs.
just uploaded the final version of tactical battle loop, will hopefully be moved out of incoming shortly.
it's now:
- smaller (5mb smaller, although i added a couple of mb of dlls just in case people dont have them)
- faster (optimised the shaders a bit, optimised the poly count, improved the loading time, fixed some texture sizes)
- uses a lot less memory (250 not 800mb) and a lot less vram, which should sort out your swapping and pausing issues
- longer (it doesnt end abruptly)
- improved (some extra gfx data added)
- cooler (widescreen mode added and 1280x800 screen mode added - watch it on a wide screen and get the full effect as it was meant to be seen, with no borders :))
so, hopefully this will address the comments about ineffciency and framerate. :)
it's now:
- smaller (5mb smaller, although i added a couple of mb of dlls just in case people dont have them)
- faster (optimised the shaders a bit, optimised the poly count, improved the loading time, fixed some texture sizes)
- uses a lot less memory (250 not 800mb) and a lot less vram, which should sort out your swapping and pausing issues
- longer (it doesnt end abruptly)
- improved (some extra gfx data added)
- cooler (widescreen mode added and 1280x800 screen mode added - watch it on a wide screen and get the full effect as it was meant to be seen, with no borders :))
so, hopefully this will address the comments about ineffciency and framerate. :)