
Videos are fucking metal... or wait no...

category: general [glöplog]
also they surely have the facts right at youtube ;)
Fairlight - Dead Ringer
The PC 64k intro "Dead Ringer" by Fairlight.

This 64k won the 64k intro compo at Breakpoint06.

dead ringer fairlight 64k intro demoscene

added on the 2006-10-19 16:24:24 by el mal el mal
Yeah! everybody KNOWS that Dead Ringer was made by Conspiracy!

Fucking retards!
added on the 2006-10-19 16:34:30 by okkie okkie
Do you know how hard it was to get Reed to write that stupid drum and bass track?
added on the 2006-10-19 17:27:09 by Gargaj Gargaj
cns made reed quit the scene!!!
added on the 2006-10-19 19:57:30 by el mal el mal
Smash is so close he combusts into searing, PS3.0 flames.
added on the 2006-10-20 03:36:01 by Shifter Shifter
