
breakpoint 07 amiga compos

category: general [glöplog]
MaWi owes a 68k demo anyway since Symphony 03 :)
added on the 2006-10-12 11:05:16 by d0DgE d0DgE
Scamp: just ignore the public debate.
Only do business with people who have a demo
thats the way to go.. Very democratic for sure!
NOT! :) But ok respect I will..

i do have a question for the person who is orginizing the PC demo compo is he known? Who do I have to email for this?
added on the 2006-10-12 18:56:59 by magic magic
no, we don't have a pc compo organizer yet.
added on the 2006-10-12 19:15:36 by ryg ryg
damn! no pc compos then! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
added on the 2006-10-12 19:16:37 by dalezr dalezr
make that "we haven't decided on a pc compo organizer yet".
added on the 2006-10-12 19:26:41 by ryg ryg
ryg you lamer, I thought that was you, you bailing?!=!=!=?!)"#"=#)!""#! or are you doing the amiga compos? :D
added on the 2006-10-12 20:17:49 by leijaa leijaa
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make that magic
leia, i originally planed on quitting the orga job altogether. now i've at least decided to drop the pc part (except maybe some helping out if there are problems) and concentrate on the general compo organization. I've got plenty to do with that alone :)
added on the 2006-10-12 21:59:56 by ryg ryg
Ryg: cool that you are still involved..
added on the 2006-10-14 18:51:59 by magic magic

But it would be a PRETTY poor sign if even after asking 6 months in advance noone from the Amiga scene would accept the challenge to improve the representation of his platform at Breakpoint.

I think the problem is WHERE you ask. :) Amiga Demoscene got small, but there are many other amigausers still out there and alive. I am running a german amiga forum with more than 400 active users and a very good and friendly climate. We have a demosection too, you can write in english and german. Just visit us at www.a1k.org.


Don't you have any german demoscene portal?

No real portal only for demoscene, but a big forum with a demoscene section.

I have written an email to the BPOrga Team too, because I can offer amiga hardware and amiga knowhow. Setting up a special and 100% stable demosystem with 68060/AGA like this one http://www.a1k.org/forum/index.php?mode=viewthread&forum_id=14&thread=8&z=1 should be no problem.
The same is possible for an Amiga4000, 68060/50Mhz, PPC 604e 233Mhz, CybervisionPPC, 128MB memory booting directly into a shell and supporting CyberGFX4 too.

I will get in touch with moods plateau and maybe someone will visit our demosection. ;) best regards...

PS: Amiga is still alive! ;)
added on the 2006-11-16 16:37:13 by apx^a1k apx^a1k
Whow. I know (and wrote already in contact) that you guys could come up with in-top-shape-hardware :D
Is that babe also equipped with proper LAN connectivity including f.e. SMBNet + Tango-interface ?
Would be very convenient.
added on the 2006-11-16 17:28:22 by d0DgE d0DgE

Is that babe also equipped with proper LAN connectivity including f.e. SMBNet + Tango-interface ?

Norway 10Mbit network module, connection to network server possible (tested at evoke) using miamidx, ftp-client and a ftp-server is running for data exchange...

CD-Burner/CD-Rom is avaible too and a disk drive. :)

added on the 2006-11-16 18:38:18 by apx^a1k apx^a1k
Ups, sorry, last info is only for the A4000. If you mean the A1200/060/AGA, it has only a network connection (ftp-client/ftp-server).

So if no PPC demo will be announced, the A1200 should be enough...

But I maybe have a small problem to be there 2 days earlier. If I will come with an A4000 or an A1200 I can guarantee a running setup within 10 minutes. Tested with over 100 demos. :)
added on the 2006-11-16 18:44:09 by apx^a1k apx^a1k
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Okay, I laughed.
added on the 2006-11-16 18:47:01 by Shifter Shifter
maybe somewhat offtopic, but can you do something about the recording quality, and keep care of darkening the compo hall ? last year's chorus (c64) demo's starfield was virtually invisible on the big screen.
added on the 2006-11-16 19:15:32 by Oswald Oswald
also you dont even reach the 50fps playback rate... so while you refuse to record pc demos coz of quality loss, you order small scenes to live with it...
added on the 2006-11-16 19:16:59 by Oswald Oswald
Yeah, play C64 demos live!
We want back the loading time! :)
I think it wouldnt be a problem to find a c64 orga or two, with real machines, anything you want...
added on the 2006-11-16 19:37:11 by Oswald Oswald
I think magic should do it!!
added on the 2006-11-16 21:00:43 by Proteque Proteque
Apex: Thanks a lot for the offer. We've formed an Amiga compo team some time ago already (and it was posted in this thread that this part is solved), but I'll let it up to the compo team to decide if they are in need for more hardware etc ;)

I guess they'll respond to your mail soon. Again, thank you.

added on the 2006-11-16 21:37:33 by scamp scamp
Oswald: We already have a kick-ass C64 compo organizer team. There is no problem to solve.

Regarding recording: You don't know what you are talking about, and I'm not into the recording hardware stuff either. I do however can tell you that for "you order small scenes"-kind of attitudes you won't get much more than a "fuck you" back from our team.

[continued in next post as for some unknown reason I can't post longer messages to pouet]
added on the 2006-11-16 21:38:37 by scamp scamp

We are putting *huge* efforts into the C64 compos, much more than we do for the PC ones budgetwise. We don't pre-record PC demos simply because they do higher resolutions and are able to load in realtime. C64 compos are recorded in full PAL, and we are using a big chunk of budget to use the best available hardware for that on the market. I am sorry that todays 15.000 ANSI Lumen video projectors are not optimized for C64's broken PAL implementation, just as the scan converters aren't. Feel invited to develop, produce and sponsor us the hardware needed to get a perfect result in this area. Or shut the fuck up, kthxbye.

added on the 2006-11-16 21:38:57 by scamp scamp
For the darkening of the hall: The hall has windows. Those glas things, you know? Our team has worked their asses of for over 10 hours to darken them, and it was quite easy to visually see what kind of effort this was. We can't go pitch black if the sun shines like crazy. Send your complaints to the sun. Or join the organizing team, and do the darkening yourself next year.

added on the 2006-11-16 21:39:17 by scamp scamp
oswald: you will notice (if you take the time to check) that our video captures from this years breakpoint (available on untergrund.net, in the "Video_captures" subdirectories of the compo dirs) are perfect 50hz captures without dropped frames. go ahead, step through them frame by frame in virtualdub or something and check.

now try and find something that PLAYS it that way. that's the main problem.
added on the 2006-11-16 23:58:01 by ryg ryg
