Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Now, let's make this thread worksafe again. (Warning, goatse on page 69!)
Let's see how this anim handles tiling. (No, I didn't make it)
Let's see how this anim handles tiling. (No, I didn't make it)
ccovell: for me the orginal images look like a wet pane of glass with a girl's head behind it
They both suck. The one with the naked rockclimbing chick is superior. !!
That looks like a man.
It probably is.
nitro2k01: disable referer logging and this thread will be 95% SFW ... until some idiot makes a WTF <--> image including the goatse/tubegirl
ccovel: yours is more likely a girl with a transparent head which you can see the wet window behind through...
Fuck the gothics.
### subliminal messages illegal ###
There are two methods to see these pictures.
Called "wall-eyed" and "cross-eyed" according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereogram. I remember learning both to see all the pictures in stores back then.
Using the wrong method for a certqin picture would result in depth instead of height.
So it is how you look at it (heh). Either the image changes when you don't change the method or nothing changes at all if the picture and both the method change.
Called "wall-eyed" and "cross-eyed" according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereogram. I remember learning both to see all the pictures in stores back then.
Using the wrong method for a certqin picture would result in depth instead of height.
So it is how you look at it (heh). Either the image changes when you don't change the method or nothing changes at all if the picture and both the method change.
Those are the best yet Joop - in terms of 3d quality and content too! ;)