
Riots in Hungary

category: general [glöplog]
Also I'd like to mention that the fancy theory of Africa being mankind's cradle, with a theoretic woman referred as 'Lucy' has been broken years ago, but it is not taught in schools, for the sake of political correctness.
added on the 2006-10-07 12:38:57 by tomcat tomcat
ah, so the Keukenhof is all Hungary's fault.. now i hate hungarians even more! ;)
added on the 2006-10-07 12:49:19 by el mal el mal
but riots do!
added on the 2006-10-07 12:52:23 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
hehe tomcat, hail to the supremacy of the Magyar race!
added on the 2006-10-07 13:00:50 by Zest Zest
Mankind was born in hungaria, then a country big enough to cover india, sumeria and much of europe. For example, gengis khan, a famous hungarian diplomat, went to offer an agreement to the ainu people to settle on their eastern island and transform it into a big technological powerhouse.

Due to their tan not being dark enough, from all the invention and work they were doing inside, they couldn't bring civilization to the south of the world, except egypt, where they built advanced, pyramidal star-observatories. They also founded damascus, invented slavery and the republic, which they tried out in their political science laboratory of greece.

Being keen on preserving their demographical power, they sent all their gay people to the west of europe. (Back then, they were known to be rude, instead of merely happy, thus came out to be named the "franks")

The expelled homosexuals founded a country there using their hungarian nickname, in order to practice their decadent skills in hairdressing. Thankfully, a clothing-oriented hungarian tribe, called the croats, went on to invent the tie, and so called "sans culottes" (from the hungarian word zankùlot which is a sort of unionized worker) brought pants to western europe.

Hungarians were very focused on keeping records, and after founding their Wikipedia project in the african city of Alexandria, they used this project to help nearby civilizations to copy their unique achievements: books were sent to civilize the peasants of nubia, and helped building the empire of ethiopia. As well, a special cultural force was sent towards the south west, where they offered the invention of rhythm. Sadly, the locals killed the emissaries, because they considered keeping records a sinful, lazy practice.

added on the 2006-10-07 13:16:04 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Oh and I forgot, it is a well known fact that poetry is only written in hungarian, notably most XVIth century eastern africa poetry is actually a translation from hungarian to swahili.
added on the 2006-10-07 13:19:10 by _-_-__ _-_-__
and africans once conquered spain (accordingly all planned by Bathory Erzsebet)!!!
added on the 2006-10-07 13:30:35 by el mal el mal
You can make fun of it, but still, facts are facts. I don't really expect you to understand that something might differ from what you learned in school, or if you learned it at all.
added on the 2006-10-07 13:31:34 by tomcat tomcat
Tomcat, darling... patriotism and racism are stupid ideas.
And beware what you say about "any othe European nation".
I dont need to remember, I supose, that your country has barely only 1000 years of history as a "nation" or a civilizated (meanning a place with cities, ehem, if we agreed that a village of 800 inhabitans more or less are a city).
Thats not the case of all countries in Europe.

In Spain, for example, 4000 years ago, yes, 4000 years ago, we have cities, true cities with more than 30000 inhabitans and with laws written in verses (Gades, Malaca, Tartessos).
The same thing, simultaneously (more or less), in Italy (Elea, Neapolis, Agrigentum, Siracusa) and Greece (Troy, Samos, Colofon, Rodas, Delfos).

But Africa, alas! surpass all of us with cities like Tebas or Menfis, 5000 years ago, with more than 150000 inhabitans.

And Lucy was an Australophitecus. When I said "humanity", I was talking about our species, Homo sapiens (some of them... with an spirit of adventure and a beautiful black skin, left Africa 38000 years ago).

There is only a race... the human race. And one history, the history of all the humanity.
added on the 2006-10-07 13:32:42 by ham ham
God is actually from hungary!

Just so you know.
Funny btw that tomcat is talking about facts. Wasn't it tomcat who recommended the worthless piece of crap "documentary" Loose Change.
Holland, for example, wouldn't even know what is a tulip without us

thanks for that! It made us rich! wee!!

and I do think my point is still valid..
added on the 2006-10-07 13:39:25 by okkie okkie
rob_aardbei: Correct! ;)

Pouet forums... what a circus! (sometimes)
added on the 2006-10-07 13:41:44 by ham ham
Sure we can't understand facts because, we're not hungarians.
added on the 2006-10-07 13:43:50 by _-_-__ _-_-__
And what is a circus without a clown?

I heard the first clown ever was hungarian.. just as the first acrobot.. they where called Bazzzki and Azdrianoz and lived 500 years before any other country had either clowns or acrobats!
added on the 2006-10-07 13:44:47 by okkie okkie
acrobot = acrobat.. although an acrobot would probably be fucking cool too.. i bet some hungarian already invented that 400 years ago though..
added on the 2006-10-07 13:45:33 by okkie okkie
Haha :)
We do not understand because we are not as smart like Tomcat or Adok.
added on the 2006-10-07 13:47:18 by ham ham
So far so good but I've got a demo to code. Bye!
added on the 2006-10-07 13:49:13 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Tomcat: You made my bullshit detector explode, is it ok if I send you the bill?

First of all, your tulip story:
The tulip was introduced in the Netherlands by Carolus Clusius, a Flemish doctor. He received the first bulbs from Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, a Flemish guy who was a diplomat in Turkey for the Austrian empire. So it were the Flemish who introduced the Tulip in the Netherlands.

Secondly, your claim that Enligh people can't read Shakespeare without a dictionary: I read Shakespeare in Highschool, as a non-native (and still learning) English speaker and I had no trouble understanding it. So your claim that educated native English speakers don't understand Shakespear without a dictionary also sounds like bullshit to me.
added on the 2006-10-07 14:33:58 by sparcus sparcus
About all these facts that are not taught in schools because of political correctness. It can't be because they are bullshit or unproven theories right?
added on the 2006-10-07 14:38:00 by El Topo El Topo
BTW, I forgot to mention some totaly useless trivia in my previous post: The highschool were I read Shakespeare was called "Carolus Clusius College" :-)
added on the 2006-10-07 14:41:23 by sparcus sparcus
But, we are all ruled by a hungarian God, so in a way, it IS a hungarian invention.
hungarian notation was invented 150 years before the discovery of unix.
El Topo: I think that Tomcat was confusing Lucy, that is a fossil of a female Australophitecus found in Olduvai, Kenya (by Richard Lakey, if I remember correctly)... with "Eve" the theoretic (he used this word and thats, apart of the political correctness reference, what made me notice his confusion) female that all actual humans descent of.
That theoretical "Eve" was postulated by studies about the mitocondrial DNA (there are some article in an old number of Stientific American of 1996 or 1997, but I'm not remember the name of the authors right now) that is a kind of nucleid acid that only the mother could pass to the fetus, and so, permit to establish some genealogic "maternal" tree of all mankind.
Thats all I remind of this work, perhaps our dear Doctor Adok, great eugenist, could add some words. ;)
added on the 2006-10-07 15:13:28 by ham ham
