
Tomcat/Mawi arrested in Hungary

category: general [glöplog]
His girlfriend Athina writes in her blog:

"Are we having a dictatureship?

Yes, you've read it correctly, I think we might have. Hungary is ruled
by a legal and spiritual dictatureship powered and maintained by the
most disgusting means possible. A dictatureship that preaches tolerance
and expects the people to be tolerant but it itself does not tolerate
any dissent, criticism and complaint regardless whether it's justified
or not.

You could say it isn't true or these are but the words of a paranoid
fool, but if you really think so, then your vision is either clouded or
you have the rare and precious opportunity to be sheltered from hat's
actually going on in Hungary.
There is one thing I have to make absolutely clear: I had not partaken
in the events happening at the streets of Budapest at the night of 9th
September, 2006. This information will prove interesting in the light of
the later events in this story, this is why I have to be very clear
about it. I've been taking care of my ten years old sister at the flat
of my parents, which is proven by two eyewitnesses, the log of the cab
> company I traveled with and obviously th,e cell information log of my
> cell phone.
> In the evening of 20th September, I visited my father in the hospital
> who has been taken there with a heart attack.I got back at home at
> around 8PM where I found Tomcat and a friend of ours. I could hardly
> greet them as armed, muscular men in visibility vests stormed in the
> door putting all of us to the wall, searching and handcuffing us.
> Then our friend has been identified and his identity recorded, and he's
> been released, or rather bundled off, telling him it is a police
> procedure here and therefore he is not allowed to be present. Tomcat's
> injured hand was handcuffed, and shortly he's been carried away, despite
> that fact that he is the documented and proven renter of our flat and he
> clearly expressed having to exercise his right to be present during the
> searching of the premises.
> Then I've been left alone with three men claiming to be working for the
> National Investigation Bureau. This organization stylishly has it's
> offices, cells and interrogation rooms just behind the House of Terror,
> I think the reason these could not be in that House as it's currently a
> museum. (Translator's note: the House of Terror museum has been an
> infamous detention and torture complex used both by the Nazis and the
> Communists.) They informed me they will perform a search of the premises
> here despite the fact they lacked a valid search warrant, although it
> became clear to me only later on.
> At this time had I come to know that Tomcat is accused by damaging the
> "wonderful", "valuable" Russian monument praising the "liberators" of
> Hungary. He is not only even accused of complicity - he is accused of
> damaging the whole monument himself!
> The piquancy of the issue is that under a certain value, damaging
> property is considered only a foul, and only over this value it's
> actually a crime. And of course they wanted to accuse him of a crime, as
> then they could keep him in for a longer time. It happened this way,
> "the crime of damaging property" was written on the top of the
> interrogation minutes, which I was able to read later on, at my
> interrogation.
> But let's get back to what happened at our home. Tomcat has been carried
> away handcuffed to their office at the corner of the Vorosmarty and
> Aradi streets - or at least this is what they said to me - and I was
> told that a search of the premises will commence and they closed the
> door of the flat from the inside. When I mentioned my right for having
> an independent eyewitness present, they just said let's not waste each
> other's time, and maybe even I myself would not like the neighbours see
> me in infavourable light. A good try, but I care a lot more having an
> independent person present than the opinion of the neighbours.
> Therefore we called a neighbour and they started rummaging through our
> home. The following items had been confiscated: a desktop computer, a
> notebook computer, two card readers, cell phones and Tomcat's passport.
> The later one is especially interesting: while people accused of setting
> children to fire or other very serious crimes can defend themselves at
> the jury while being at large, are able to come and go as they wish in
> the world, only the suspicion of damaging the "holy and untouchable"
> Russian monument is enough in today's Hungary to get your passport
> confiscated, yourself put in jail and your girlfriend carried away
> during the night and being subjected to interrogation.
> All these in 2006, in the European Union, in a country subjected to
> Russian occupation for more than forty years. But all right, don't look
> back to the past, let's look forwards, to the future! Well, if the
> future is what's going on now I'm not sure I want to look forwards to it.
> After the search I've been surprised by having been told that I should
> go with them at once to be heared as a witness, so I should collect some
> personal belongings and then we go.
> I've been led to a car at 11PM, and driven to the aforementioned office
> and interrogation facilities. There have I been interrogated for hours,
> being subjected to spiritual and mental terror. They criticized my
> looks, my boyfriend, my religion, my truthfulness and myself as a human
> being. It was clear to me that they want to prepare me psychologically
> to make an incriminating confesion against Tomcat.
> It's worthy of note that there were at least two posters on the walls of
> the interrogation room citing different quotations, but both of them
> meant that you have to be afraid of power, and especially afraid of
> absoute power as you are helpless against it. It's stylish, isn't it?
> Then another gentleman joined us armed with a digicam and he claimed he
> will take a photo of me. I informed him I don't agree with this, if they
> need a photo, get one from their database.
> Then they tried to convince me that it's only a routine procedure, I
> should not object to it - but it's only the well-known painkiller type
> of jaw which you should never fall for as it's when you can flub up real
> bad. It's not a routine procedure at a witness hearing to take a photo.
> Period. (Finally I informed them I have religious reasons for objecting
> to be photographed. Then the gentleman started to inquire about my
> religion which he clearly has zero right for.)
> My interrogation lasted almost for three hours, they had me tell them
> what did I do in the last few days. I told it all back and forth, also
> answering the cross-questions, meanwhile I've been informed that "Hey,
> chick, you gonna be in real deep trouble when we'll accuse you of false
> witnessing." I always adressed this gentleman formally while made
> remarks on my age, informing me he has a child older than me, and
> adressing me in impolite ways and rudely. (Translator's note: Hungarian
> language still has a difference between the "you" and "thou" or "Sie"
> and "du" forms, which roughly equals calling someone on first or second
> name terms.)
> I've been given the protocols for reading but I've been denied of making
> corrections, although I expressed I wish to exercise my right to do it.
> The gentleman informed me that everything in the protocols has been
> pronounced therefore he refuses to make any modifications - appending
> comments is the most he is willing to do. And I should not get picky on
> him because... yeah, we heard it before, he has a child older than me...
> Then I've been informed I could not demand any reimbursement of costs as
> I've been transported to their offices by them - but of course I had to
> get home at night, when the public transport is out of service.
> After finalising protocols the rental contract has been xeroxed and I've
> been released into the night, at 1:30AM. All these happened to me
> despite I could prove I spent that night at home watching the TV, taking
> care of my little sister in the flat of my parents.
> This is Hungarian democracy today. If you don't play the game they way
> they want you to, the tentacles of the state catch you, break you, grind
> you and crap you out."
added on the 2006-09-23 18:06:33 by magic magic
Just stay and relax. Police is here to protect us.

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police are good for our health.
support your local police - beat yourself up
added on the 2006-09-23 20:26:34 by tempest tempest
police helps to keep us in the right way.
added on the 2006-09-23 20:50:01 by SilkCut SilkCut
What did she expect ?

Anywhere & at anytime, protecting the riches from the poors have always been police's main activity, and this for the sake of the "Social cohesion" that's how it is called, live with it.
added on the 2006-09-23 21:07:21 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
Come to Portugal, and Inércia Demoparty 2006!
added on the 2006-09-24 02:16:20 by xernobyl xernobyl
The earth would be a better place if everybody went to Inercia!
added on the 2006-09-24 04:43:20 by mrdoob mrdoob
Perhaps it's time to check up on that 'dangerous liberal organization', the ACLU...
added on the 2006-09-24 08:05:27 by crusader crusader
tomcat is a nice guy,

a quote from his blog:

'why dont they cancel the gypsies? They are dangerous. Like the little crappy one who set on fire the poor girl from Mako. Otherwise the girl has died.' ... ' In a better country after such an event their race would be exterminated.'
added on the 2006-09-24 12:28:37 by Oswald Oswald
...he reminds me of Borat.
added on the 2006-09-24 14:47:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
after free mitnick, free tomca..no wait, free his girlfriend !!1! \o/
added on the 2006-09-24 15:08:51 by SilkCut SilkCut
added on the 2006-09-24 18:39:12 by kurli kurli
I failured
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added on the 2006-09-24 18:39:44 by kurli kurli
added on the 2006-09-24 18:52:54 by rmeht rmeht
magic could you please provide us with a link to that blog?
added on the 2006-09-24 19:01:41 by Paralax Paralax
Paralax: Athina's blog is on hungarian, the english version of the blog entry was taken from http://budapestriots.blogspot.com/
added on the 2006-09-24 19:08:30 by Jailbird Jailbird
Now I respect what Tomcat has done for the hungarian scene in all these years, but...
he had this one coming.
added on the 2006-09-24 19:57:47 by BoyC BoyC
Come to think of it , I hope this doesnt influence the release of his book Freax#2 .... :(
added on the 2006-09-24 20:00:28 by magic magic
"Many fine books have been written in prison."
added on the 2006-09-24 20:19:37 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
haha 1-0 for hitch :)
added on the 2006-09-24 20:30:45 by skrebbel skrebbel
"Many fine books have been written in prison."

Yes, but I think he might find it a bit of a struggle!
added on the 2006-09-24 20:40:17 by CiH CiH

they are playing, only playing..it's a funny game "explode me if you can
added on the 2006-09-24 20:53:40 by SilkCut SilkCut
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added on the 2006-09-24 21:40:20 by EviL EviL
