int array video buffer to video
category: general [glöplog]
Do you know any easy to use video output lib? (My demos doesn't work with Farbrausch's demo capture tool). Thanks
* software rendering demos
Ups... I want .avi / .mpg / quicktime output (not all formats, just any format)
Since you are doing software rendering it is very easy: simply convert each of your frame's video and audio buffers to .tga and .wav (.raw) respectively, and open them in virtualdub :)
Its a good possibility _-___--__--__-, thanks :)
texel: give me a few names and i'll see what i can do.
besides, that's why kkapture is under the artistic license - just grab avi_videoencoder_vfw.* and include it into your app. i've tried to make it easy to do that.
besides, that's why kkapture is under the artistic license - just grab avi_videoencoder_vfw.* and include it into your app. i've tried to make it easy to do that.
Thank so much ryg,
This is one prod using my demosystem, not working with kkapture:
I don't really want to have a video version of this prod, nor of any of my prods at pouet now, but I want to implement the video capture for future releases, to have a realtime low quality version and a high quality video version.
I'll check kkapture source. Thanks
This is one prod using my demosystem, not working with kkapture:
I don't really want to have a video version of this prod, nor of any of my prods at pouet now, but I want to implement the video capture for future releases, to have a realtime low quality version and a high quality video version.
I'll check kkapture source. Thanks