Scoopex has already died once in the past..
category: general [glöplog]
Antibyte Quits; Scoopex Dead!
written by Magic of Nah-kolor
It was 2nd christmas day in the year 2000
.. It was #amigascne.. It was a certain topic
Karpow of Scoopex wrote at the
infamous Amiga Scene channel..
"Scoopex 1988 - 2000 R.I.P." Karpow
wrote. Did it really happened ? Or was
it a sick kind of humor ? When I wrote
an article in the end of 1997 with
the title "Scoopex Worked It's Way Up
Again" for Retro issue 3, I did't
know that two years later I would
write about their downfall :( And now
with the Eurochart issue 39 deadline
long gone, I hurried to interview
Karpow and give you the hottest news
fact of 1999.. To bad the Offical
Eurochart gives you this first, but
the Amiga Scene will go on!!
Karpow Relieves His Mind..
The main reason why Scoopex died is
that the main man, the oldest member
of the group and also the main
organizer Antibyte decided to quit
Scoopex and the Scene! Karpow:
»CL1:"Antibyte quits, no need for me to
continue the group. It sucks :) Maybe
Antibyte is tired. :) Or just maybe
his new girlfriend has something to do
with it. :)))"
When I was talking to Karpow, also an
old member of Scoopex, he gave us a
little hope for the future.. "There
are TWO (huge) productions still in
progress. Laxical's Musicdisk and
Metal Designer's demo!" he comments
and continues: "I am still kicking the
group forward. To get the remaining
stuff released!" A nice goal indeed..
but on which party do they intend to
end their crusade among the Amiga
Scene? Karpow: "If this is the end I
want to see us closing our final
chapter by winning MS'2000 demo
competition. Also maybe Seenpoint
issue 10 will be released still but I
doubt it.."
Scoopex dead and burried.. Antibyte,
the number one coder according to the
charts quitted the scene. Two Scoopex
productions still in progress,
intended to release before departing..
What will happen with the current
members in Scoopex ? Metal Designer
told me his future Scoopex demo will
be the last Amiga production he would
do.. Will Muffler or Virgill join
other groups? Why doesn't Karpow take
in new members to continue Scoopex ?
Karpow: "We won't take new members to
the group to keep it alive. We don't
want the same thing to happen that
happend to The Silents in the past for
Finally how sees Karpow his future?
Karpow: "Antibyte quits. There goes
the last orginal Scoopex member... And
my motivation." Obviously we can
understand that he made his mind up
already.. Scoopex, remember it.. It's
one of the legacy's the Amiga Scene
now has... May it rest in peace!
So you see, how can a dead group merge
with deviance ? :-)
Antibyte Quits; Scoopex Dead!
written by Magic of Nah-kolor
It was 2nd christmas day in the year 2000
.. It was #amigascne.. It was a certain topic
Karpow of Scoopex wrote at the
infamous Amiga Scene channel..
"Scoopex 1988 - 2000 R.I.P." Karpow
wrote. Did it really happened ? Or was
it a sick kind of humor ? When I wrote
an article in the end of 1997 with
the title "Scoopex Worked It's Way Up
Again" for Retro issue 3, I did't
know that two years later I would
write about their downfall :( And now
with the Eurochart issue 39 deadline
long gone, I hurried to interview
Karpow and give you the hottest news
fact of 1999.. To bad the Offical
Eurochart gives you this first, but
the Amiga Scene will go on!!
Karpow Relieves His Mind..
The main reason why Scoopex died is
that the main man, the oldest member
of the group and also the main
organizer Antibyte decided to quit
Scoopex and the Scene! Karpow:
»CL1:"Antibyte quits, no need for me to
continue the group. It sucks :) Maybe
Antibyte is tired. :) Or just maybe
his new girlfriend has something to do
with it. :)))"
When I was talking to Karpow, also an
old member of Scoopex, he gave us a
little hope for the future.. "There
are TWO (huge) productions still in
progress. Laxical's Musicdisk and
Metal Designer's demo!" he comments
and continues: "I am still kicking the
group forward. To get the remaining
stuff released!" A nice goal indeed..
but on which party do they intend to
end their crusade among the Amiga
Scene? Karpow: "If this is the end I
want to see us closing our final
chapter by winning MS'2000 demo
competition. Also maybe Seenpoint
issue 10 will be released still but I
doubt it.."
Scoopex dead and burried.. Antibyte,
the number one coder according to the
charts quitted the scene. Two Scoopex
productions still in progress,
intended to release before departing..
What will happen with the current
members in Scoopex ? Metal Designer
told me his future Scoopex demo will
be the last Amiga production he would
do.. Will Muffler or Virgill join
other groups? Why doesn't Karpow take
in new members to continue Scoopex ?
Karpow: "We won't take new members to
the group to keep it alive. We don't
want the same thing to happen that
happend to The Silents in the past for
Finally how sees Karpow his future?
Karpow: "Antibyte quits. There goes
the last orginal Scoopex member... And
my motivation." Obviously we can
understand that he made his mind up
already.. Scoopex, remember it.. It's
one of the legacy's the Amiga Scene
now has... May it rest in peace!
So you see, how can a dead group merge
with deviance ? :-)
lol you moron, why should a group die, if the founder says its died ? I have also died once already, the voices told me you know.
magic, what's up with your english? after all you are dutch and other than us kids from the eastern bloc you should have had the best of all english educations in school, right? =)
magic is gifted with the power of Mensa
hahahaha, that made my day. :D
Who practiced voodoo on this carcass when it should be resting in its grave?
actually i think its not worth to fight with magic as we can see here. just take some snacks and enjoy ride to his mind...

uuh, sexy
Crap, I should have thought of that!
Anyway, here is the whole group.
Anyway, here is the whole group.
Bah... ah, you get it :)

also vampires cant spell
vampires are all illegal. there is no "barely".
what a wonderful girl!
quite.. um... disgusting, in every way.