How did you get out of the demoscene? What drove you?
category: general [glöplog]
Whining topic starts.
The usual story. I went to the army and girlfriend took all the remaining free time. After I finished the army I noticed that Amiga scene had slowed down a lot and many old pals had quitted. So I just left.
The God Damned mormon SWAT team
dipshits, why quit/leave when you will be forgotten anyway?
you are in the demoscene, nonsense like style doesnt exist
you are in the demoscene, nonsense like style doesnt exist
police came and stole my booze :(
i discover the beerscene
AGA and PC arrived, making 99.7% of demos suck balls. And then I went and bought a PC without a GUS. Fortunately the state of things improved later..
I constantly move in and out the scene. Can't make up my mind whether I love it or not..
Scene is dead.
My interest in the scene kinda just died along with the whole scene sometime around mid-70s. I mean what's the point, when there's no more scene be interested in.
When I realized that the Wurstpuppe had actually been made using german introtools :(

Aliens took my demomaker.
that's so sad keops :(
when i found out about the french reply to wurstpuppe:

Ah, the famous laughing cow....
I always wondered from what strange corner of the French hillbilly psyche, cows with earrings came from ;-)
I always wondered from what strange corner of the French hillbilly psyche, cows with earrings came from ;-)
Mid 70's???? What scene was that then, the bondage scene? =)
Mid 70's???? What scene was that then, the bondage scene? =)
Death of the UK scene
wurst puppe... definetly
You never leave the scene. You just take a break. Sometimes a very long break :)
can you get out of the scene?
the scene can get out of you
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).
I repeat
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).
i had to go and care for my mum who had bi-polar disorder.... she eventually died of cancer and i donated all my 4000 floppies to the cancer hospice when i was cleaning out the house
Bonbon aus Wurst