Demos with metal (Not the music)
category: general [glöplog]
Ok, copycat week. I'm looking for demos with metal. Ie animated liquid metal or other similar effects.
Try, I hear they list demos.
Ok, so your advice is to go the pouët BBS and ask there? Thank you!
You could try that. You could also try the 'prods' part, where there, apparently, are productions. Some of these might be 'demos.'
Oh thank you. I will look trough every demo until I find one that matches my criteria! Thanks once again!
There were some liqiud metals in "Muscles"?
Who invented metalshading?
checkm8 : try the endpart of the matrix - fulcrum demo. fluid metal <: lol
viz: Phong? :]
No, there was some hypething in 1990s called "metal shading" and I never realized what it actually was, but it wasn't phong :)
Envmapping with a static map. :)