Fairlight 20th Anniversary Party
category: general [glöplog]
Get ready to celebrate Fairlight, and 20 years of ... When dreams come true.
hmm, denmark. i could TRY to be there... yeah.
an dont forget to enter the party at http://www.demoparty.net!
DONT bring your own computer, the orga team will setup a number of C64, Amiga and PC computers.
an dont forget to enter the party at http://www.demoparty.net!
because we have chosen not to use a big sports facility, and make it small and cozy, booozing and have phun with our friends instead of hanging over computers. So therefor the compo entries must be handed over when ppl arrives.
i think you definetely should at least giv ethe people the possibility to finish the entries at the partyplace - everything else is absolutely unrealistic.
and also, to touch your oldschool heart - how to do partyscrollers then? =)
and also, to touch your oldschool heart - how to do partyscrollers then? =)
partycoding sucks. :)
Celebrandil celebration!
Dear Dipper.
If it was up to the majority of organizers, there wouldent even be any compos, and here is the reason.
The main goal of this paddy is, to let old and new friends of Fairlight celebrate the birthday together, talk about old days and drink alot (surprise!), but, we made a few compos, for the reason that, there could be some binary memories from the paddy also, and not just hangovers.
We are not interrestet in having 60 ppl hanging over thier computers, but using thier time on other things than they do at most other paddys. And if you look on who has signed up, you can also see that many of them are oldschoolers, who rather booooziee than coding. So therefor we decided that all participants are welcome to join the compos, but thier contribution must be ready on arrival.
Partyscroller ... as you prolly has seen, there will be a number of computers that WE set up, so ofcourse there will be a partyscroller with colorbars, bouncing balls and the hole tjuh bang my friend.
-Turtle, main organizer
If it was up to the majority of organizers, there wouldent even be any compos, and here is the reason.
The main goal of this paddy is, to let old and new friends of Fairlight celebrate the birthday together, talk about old days and drink alot (surprise!), but, we made a few compos, for the reason that, there could be some binary memories from the paddy also, and not just hangovers.
We are not interrestet in having 60 ppl hanging over thier computers, but using thier time on other things than they do at most other paddys. And if you look on who has signed up, you can also see that many of them are oldschoolers, who rather booooziee than coding. So therefor we decided that all participants are welcome to join the compos, but thier contribution must be ready on arrival.
Partyscroller ... as you prolly has seen, there will be a number of computers that WE set up, so ofcourse there will be a partyscroller with colorbars, bouncing balls and the hole tjuh bang my friend.
-Turtle, main organizer
this party is so gonna rule. :)
well, i don't like that attitude. a demoparty is about feeling free. and not about what "organizers want me to do". so, if i unpack my laptop, you'll chase me out? even if i just want to empty my digicam? sounds like that.
nah, nevermind, i'm probably being too harsh. i'm just VERY bewildered by this kind of "party rules" which doesn't make any sense at all.
then you should have seen the first version of the rules for the party =)
what was it - "no people under 30, only scrollers allowed to be shown on screen, you are oblidged to drink"? =)
but anyway, i'm looking forward to this event and hope i can make it! best of luck with the preparations!
but anyway, i'm looking forward to this event and hope i can make it! best of luck with the preparations!
Dipswitch: maybe it's just that they want a party, not a coding session?
who wants to party, should party - who wants to code should code. i would be in the party fraction anyway, since i can't code. :)
I guess it's not a demoparty but an FLT booze-meeting then? I mean, FLT will have its 20th birthday, in case you didnt notice, WHO WOULD WANT TO CODE DURING THAT???
Who ever said it was a demoparty ? ... its a birthday party (o;
omfg. dipswitch 2006.
an update of what's going on: http://www.fairlight.fi/party/
hi reed have you considered like going one day earlier to Breakpoint and owning some place at Bingen to booze ?
that could solve some of your problems, and yeah guess... more people :)
that could solve some of your problems, and yeah guess... more people :)
RIP turtle :(
despite the fact most lads who come in flying book their flights to BP around NOW and therefore didnt calc that extra day in, evil...
well if the ticket is already bought it is still possible to change the day without extra charges (and prolly getting it cheaper too i.e.: ryanair :D)
dipswitch: you are free to organize your own party.
he usually do it every year you know... it's called Evoke
wtf? he's dead? And people talks about booking flights to BP??? OK, I celibrated my 30 birthday yesterday and just woke up, but did I miss a meeting? What the hell is going on...was it all a joke? A bad one in so case.