

category: general [glöplog]
who's going to compushere? and is it worht the trip?
me me me me me me me

dunno about the trip. I need travellingcompany .se-.dk afterwards :)
added on the 2002-11-20 12:36:29 by leijaa leijaa
bypass massive will be present!
added on the 2002-11-20 17:18:41 by gekko gekko
it will be a crazy party >P
added on the 2002-11-20 18:18:03 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
sounds like a really really crazy party.
added on the 2002-11-20 18:37:58 by sofokles sofokles
macaw, Im happy to tell you that I will be there.


But I like Hype more than compusphere
dubmood: ive never seen you at the partyplace at compusphere and at hype we kicked you around like a dummy :D (wich was prety fun i have to admit:)
added on the 2002-11-20 19:30:14 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
hm, i remember that too. the hype thing that is. and if hype is better than compusphere, i would think twice about going there.
heh, hype is nothing compared to compusphere , really :)

not when it comes to partying and demoscene.. hype is more like malmös local hugging party with prof doing stupid stuff ;)
added on the 2002-11-20 19:34:28 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
I dont remember being kicked around like a dummy, all I remember was drinkin alot and then passing out on stage in a Fyllecell LogoFlag. So I think you are bullshitting me =)

and yeah, Ive visited Compusphere, 98 I think it was yes, but not for that long, so unfunfunf,

and Compushphere this year will be at a completly new partylocation etc etc etc so how do u know it will be like all other compusphers stefan?

oh, btw, stefan har du blitt av med lössen du fick av mej när du lånade min mössa på Dh?
kids do weird things, when drunk
cya at csphere stefan ;)
added on the 2002-11-20 20:56:55 by superplek superplek
hehe, plek, comon, nooo, no o no no no no no no no
added on the 2002-11-20 22:02:35 by leijaa leijaa
macaw, Stefan & dubmood at the same party,
is it a good thing ?
added on the 2002-11-20 22:18:19 by android android
macaw, Stefan & dubmood at the same party,
is it a good thing ?
added on the 2002-11-20 22:18:58 by android android
yeah, I love it, macaw stefan superplek & dubmood even

its just IZM thats missing or it would have become the best pornomovie for gays ever
what if we all found out a missing link and we are infact brothers and sisters (plek)

I mean, wow! =)

of course it is.
added on the 2002-11-20 22:34:15 by dalezr dalezr
yepp, it is, something like this:

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dubmood, is that your last family-reunion picture? (i spot your face on the guy masturbating infront of the man-pyramid)
oh come on dubmood, if that's "the best" you can do, I'm gonna start to feel sorry for you
added on the 2002-11-20 23:03:14 by leijaa leijaa
leia, if 10 naked guys in a pyramidformation isn't hardcore enough for you, i'd hate to think about what is :p
added on the 2002-11-21 00:14:40 by jelly jelly
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I'll just say this in the way of my laser pen.
added on the 2002-11-21 01:17:00 by leijaa leijaa
you people scare me
added on the 2002-11-21 01:19:38 by gday gday
