Moderation on pouët?
category: general [glöplog]
My shit has been moderated, and there was some moderation after the javascript bug was exploited.
But have there ever been any other moderation on pouët?
But have there ever been any other moderation on pouët?
Truky autistic answer. (If you don't knwo what I mean with that, ask me to explain rather than take offence.)
Like when/who/what? Is there a moderation log for pouët or something?
Like when/who/what? Is there a moderation log for pouët or something?
shane and ep (and stefan aswell i think) for beeing trolls.
before 2004 you'll have to ask analogue if he ever did any moderation.
before 2004 you'll have to ask analogue if he ever did any moderation.
some kid going on script glophunt also got moderated i think..
are you sure he was not just a member of the cracktro brigade? :P
oh no... poor nitro2k01 has been moderated.. The world just isn't fair.. what's next??
i would vote that we moderate PS!
What? I even asked for it to be moderated. oh no... poor nitro2k01 has been moderated.. The world just isn't fair.. what's next??
How's the logic course going for you so far btw?
What was moderated: porn, cursing, wait, if they moderated that, would dissapear.
Just to clarify, I don't mean to offend anybody. Just some ridiculous humor. :-)
The iron fist of moderation should come down hard on more threads...
i want to be able to moderate moderation
You'll have to gain moderators moderator privileges for that. And for that you have to be nice with a moderators moderators moderator.
I heard the moderators moderators moderator moderation is actually done by three supercomputers.
Yeah, I got moderated too. Not for porn or anything sick or racist or so on. It was just over a little joke story I wrote that included non-consenting sceners and the mods here got a few complaints. I remember it well.
But if something offends many people, it should be removed and I'm all for that!
But if something offends many people, it should be removed and I'm all for that!
I think this was the offending post...
Read at your own risk!! :)
Read at your own risk!! :)
I think this was the offending post...
Read at your own risk!! :)
Read at your own risk!! :)