Boten Anna
category: general [glöplog]
If you don't know about Anna the Bot, now is the time to get familiar with her!
link me beautiful
link me beautiful
hon suger fett av boOzie's pung :/
Jag förstår inte vad du menar, formulera dig gärna på något annat sätt.
<Hej! Jag heter Anna. Hur kan jag hjälpa dig?
>Stäng fönstret
<Glöm inte att jag är bäst på att prata om IKEA.
>Det ska jag inte glömma!
<Det var synd.
>Stäng fönstret
<Glöm inte att jag är bäst på att prata om IKEA.
>Det ska jag inte glömma!
<Det var synd.
Gamers love that shit.
shifter, did you even click the link? This is not about Basshunter/Mr Tourette's Syndrome and his silly song.
All nations have either the Swedish Anna or nor Anna at all. Germany is the exception, we have a blonde Boten Anna[/url:
All nations have either the Swedish Anna or nor Anna at all. Germany is the exception, we have a blonde Boten Anna[/url:
Oh no, I've destroyed the bb code!
Once again.
All nations have either the Swedish Anna or nor Anna at all. Germany is the exception, we have a blonde Boten Anna:
Once again.
All nations have either the Swedish Anna or nor Anna at all. Germany is the exception, we have a blonde Boten Anna:
anna is no fun, she wants to speak only about ikea stuff.
such a materialist!
such a materialist!
Probably 2/3 of what people say to her is sexist stuff. The admins are probably logging everything and get a good laugh every friday afternoon before they go home.
jag äter snor hidden part!
don't feed madenmann after midnight, else she'll troll around forever.