
Political correctness

category: general [glöplog]
Let's introduce political correctness to the scene. My first proposition: Let's abolish the term "lame". From now on, everybody must use the term "unscenish". "Lameness" is to be called "unscenish behaviour" and a "lamer" "a person who behaves in an unscenish way". The ones who don't comply to these rules will from now on be called "persons who behave in an unscenish way" themselves.

Yours sincerely,
the Scene Moral Police
added on the 2006-07-28 23:43:01 by Adok Adok
Shut the fuck up, lamer.
What's the politically correct term for 'attention seeker'?
Actually "attention seeker" already sounds quite p.c. I just wonder what the non-p.c. term would be?
added on the 2006-07-28 23:46:32 by Adok Adok
let's not use both of them and just say "Hugi'ish" that would be great!
added on the 2006-07-29 00:02:44 by decipher decipher
Yeah, free advertising again, yippieh =)
added on the 2006-07-29 00:13:02 by Adok Adok
thou art unscenish.
added on the 2006-07-29 00:19:38 by rmeht rmeht
"greets to leets, non-specific expressions of discontent to persons who behave in an unscenish way"

yeah, that could work.
added on the 2006-07-29 00:21:29 by gasman gasman
what's the politically correct term for cunt?
added on the 2006-07-29 00:21:35 by button button
added on the 2006-07-29 00:26:22 by El Topo El Topo
nope pussy
added on the 2006-07-29 00:47:50 by decipher decipher
ségolène royal

added on the 2006-07-29 00:55:24 by Zest Zest
If being lame is unscenish, then I don't think anybody around here (including me) could call themself sceners.
the only real sceners on pouet are SFC, TBL and MFX. the rest of you are a bunch of new-media-students who have no idea what the scene is. so stfu pls.
added on the 2006-07-29 02:05:56 by draft draft
This entire thread seems to be nothing more than apolitical incorrectness to me.
this means that it's time for the pictures
added on the 2006-07-29 16:38:42 by Ger Ger
"pussy" is degrading against cats who are not female.
added on the 2006-07-29 16:55:47 by El Topo El Topo
tyi k,giou0,pt790+fg77
added on the 2006-07-29 18:08:17 by jobe jobe
shoot him.
added on the 2006-07-29 22:49:56 by tomcat tomcat
in most cases where someone uses the word lamer it just makes them feel beter and is another segment of an increasingly unesessary thread

one needs to just get on with their own shit
and that it and all and everything
everything else is a void
lame remarks and attention whore messages should then just lose themselves in the black hole void

i dont even post my demos i just do them for myself
i dont need recognition or to show anyone something they already know if they look hard enough or learn enough to do themselves

when i die then u will see my work
and i will lick my own arse

perhaps this should wake up the scene about the way it is....

added on the 2006-07-29 23:21:40 by seel seel
anyone who is unceneish should

just GO!

say just GO!
added on the 2006-07-29 23:25:00 by seel seel
STFU and GO!
added on the 2006-07-30 00:52:17 by decipher decipher

the scene was built on the words LAMER and ELITE. From the beginning the real scene has been about egos and showing that you and your group is better than everyone else. This attitude is nothing to be ashamed of, because it it gives you a kick up the arse and says to the lamer: "hey, lameness will not be tolerated on the scene! if you want to call yourself a scener and be a part of the scene you must put in the effort and produce quality and skilled work!!"

Instead what we have nowadays on the scene is the opposite. People today think it's ok to produce shit - it's even "fasionable" to not put any effort and skill into your work. Just look at the CRAP Speedfisters and Jumaluta produce and how *LAZY LAMERS* encourage it by thumbing-up their shit prods.

This is why ppl moan and complain about the death of the scene. Since the scene moved to the internet it has gradually become diluted and dumbed-down. now EVERY lamer in the world with net access is able to influence the scene culture and upload their bullshit to scene.org. in the old-days scene-swappers would filter out the bullshit and your prods would not get spread unless they had some quality
added on the 2006-07-30 05:12:48 by draft draft
in the old-days scene-swappers would filter out the bullshit and your prods would not get spread unless they had some quality

Is this why Jumaluta prods get a few hundred downloads where as Farbrausch prods get a few hundred thousand?
