
type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
64k JavaScript health and safety Neuralyte 2nd at Sundown 2010 september 2010 september 2010 7 9 0 0.44
intro JavaScript tv noise processing.js november 2010 november 2010 10 6 7 0.13
128b JavaScript TV noise JS Ribbon november 2010 november 2010 15 3 6 0.38
1k JavaScript Perlin noise flames SkyLined november 2010 november 2010 53 10 0 0.84
4k JavaScript DUCK.3JS.2K Knox january 2011 january 2011 32 5 0 0.86
demo JavaScript No Comply #audio march 2011 june 2011 4 3 2 0.22
demo JavaScript Cube Desire 1st at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 30 7 1 0.76
demo JavaScript organ TRBL 3rd at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 15 4 0 0.79
demo JavaScript Safety in the kitchen Carebear 4th at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 1 3 3 -0.29
musicdisk Windows JavaScript The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2 SceneSat 4th at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 54 6 1 0.87
4k JavaScript 4k-synth april 2011 april 2011 36 4 0 0.90
8k JavaScript nop Stroboholics :: Metalvotze 2nd at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 16 3 0 0.84
1k JavaScript p6 - Perlin noise plasma SkyLined april 2011 may 2011 2 5 0 0.29
1k JavaScript poptartcat SkyLined may 2011 may 2011 45 6 8 0.63
1k JavaScript p5 - Perlin noise dots SkyLined may 2011 may 2011 13 2 0 0.87
demo JavaScript Iloinen Päivä Trilobit 2nd at Instanssi 2011 may 2011 may 2011 17 2 0 0.89
1k JavaScript 704 may 2011 may 2011 46 2 1 0.92
demo JavaScript MKULTRA Bilotrip 3rd at Stream 2011 may 2011 may 2011 26 13 1 0.62
demo JavaScript Baby Demo TPOLM :: enoughrecords 4th at Stream 2011 may 2011 may 2011 3 11 1 0.13
wild JavaScript instaFAIL deFEEST 1st at Outline 2011 june 2011 june 2011 7 8 2 0.29
demo JavaScript Blind Serpent FXM 2nd at The Flame Party Helsinki 2011 june 2011 june 2011 8 5 2 0.40
invitation JavaScript The Flame Party Invitation #audio n/a at The Flame Party Helsinki 2011 june 2011 june 2011 3 5 1 0.22
demo JavaScript Slamdown Traction :: Hedelmae 1st at The Flame Party Helsinki 2011 june 2011 june 2011 59 11 0 0.84
demo JavaScript E Coda 1st at @party 2011 june 2011 june 2011 20 6 5 0.48
demo JavaScript Spheres Unite 2nd at @party 2011 june 2011 june 2011 1 11 2 -0.07