
OK Computer by Proxima

________   ____  __.                                  __                
\_____  \ |    |/ _|____  ____   _____ ______  __ ___/  |_  ___________ 
 /   |   \|      <_/ ___\/  _ \ /     \\____ \|  |  \   __\/ __ \_  __ \
/    |    \    |  \  \__(  <_> )  Y Y  \  |_> >  |  /|  | \  ___/|  | \/
\_______  /____|__ \___  >____/|__|_|  /   __/|____/ |__|  \___  >__|   
        \/        \/   \/            \/|__|                    \/       

OK Computer by Proxima

Released at Revision 2020. 

The OK64 is a brand new "fantasy" computer (i.e. emulator only) with the following 

CPU : Mos6502 1 mhz
Music : SID 8580
Ram : 64 kb program memory, 1mb video ram
OKVC (OK video chip) : 256x256  VGA (i.e. 256 colour 24-bit RGB palette)
Video chip contains methods for drawing primitives, performing copying functions etc.

Think of the OK64 as a mix between the pico8 and a C64.

OK Computer is a small demo written to showcase the various features of the computer, and the
demo is written entirely in TRSE (see www.turborascal.com). TRSE features built-in methods that 
natively connects with the OKVC (DrawLine, DrawCircle methods etc). 

The source code of this demo is also included in TRSE as a sample project.  

The OK64 emulator is included with the TRSE IDE. Download from www.turborascal.com.

code : leuat/proxima^offence
music : response/darklite